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A message of hope to share with the world

please pray with those from the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Krus village, Cambodia

Not only in this season of Easter, but throughout all of our life we have the opportunity to proclaim the message that ‘the tomb is empty, Jesus is risen!’

What a privilege we have to join with Jesus in his mission in the world, bringing hope to the hopeless through the message of reconciliation, the forgiveness of sins, won for all on the cross.

Thank you for taking the time to read this eNews and for joining in God’s mission in the world through LCA Mission International. Through your love for Jesus and this love in action through you, we are privileged to share in this exciting partnership in the gospel.

Lutherans give generously for mission in Cambodia

Students from Rainbow Hostel, Phom Penh singing praise to our Lord as Lutherans give generously for land purchase

We give thanks to God for you and your generosity as you support the expansion of mission and ministry in Cambodia. To date Australian and New Zealand Lutherans have given more than $78,000 towards the purchase of land alongside the Rainbow Hostel and City Church in Phnom Penh. And further exciting news; Lutherans in Singapore, Germany and around the world have given over US$144,000!

This land will provide the opportunity for the development of a Lutheran pre-school and ministry training rooms in a rapidly developing area in Phnom Penh. The purchase of this land is a joint project together with the Lutheran Church in Singapore and other overseas partner churches.

You are invited to continue to support the mission of God in Cambodia through your prayers and through your giving. Your ongoing support in this shared journey with Christians worldwide, will enable the Cambodian ministry to grow. Many more people will come to know our risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and the forgiveness and new life he has made possible for all people.

Please donate here

Click here for more information about the Cambodian appeal

Please join us in prayer for:

Please pray for the Lutheran Church in Cambodia

- thanks to God for the generosity of Lutherans in Australia, New Zealand and worldwide who continue to give funds to support the purchase of land in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

- the ministry staff of the Lutheran Church in Cambodia

- students of the Rainbow Hostel in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

- ministry leaders and mission partners travelling to Kuala Lumpur for the Mekong Mission Forum meetings

- scholarship recipient, Rev Victor Veu returning to Myanmar this week.

Thank you

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Thank you once again,

from the LCA Mission International office.

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