On July 10th, I arrived in Uganda and I have been so incredibly blessed by my time here!
I decided to come to Uganda to see if this is an area where God may be calling me. Uganda is a beautiful place and I have been so blessed to learn about a different culture and a different way of life.
Being here on a short term trip has been a real reminder that we are called as believers to proclaim the gospel no matter what context we are in! My time here has been full and busy with so much to learn about missions and the way of life here.
The majority of my time has been in Karamoja where I have been helping the Mission. I have been helping with homeschooling and creating future
schedules to help with planning out the homeschooling year. I have also been able to join Karamoja Education Outreach one morning a week as well as helping with a Bible memorization program to encourage local students to memorize sections of scripture.
Some of my most treasured times have been sitting with the Karamojong children at lunch time as well as getting to know some of the people in Karamoja.
Being able to witness the confession of faith of six young people at the church here was such an encouragement and a beautiful reminder that God is building His church in all nations! To be a witness of that and many other small daily things here in Karamoja has taught me that God is at work in many ways. It has also been so wonderful to hear from Karamojong believers and their often strong
trust in God for their every need.
Continue to pray for the missionaries in Uganda, as I have seen in my brief time here a small fraction of the challenges missionaries face. Prayer therefore is vital for the continuation of the work. Also please pray for the continued advancement of the Gospel message here in Karamoja that God’s name may be glorified!