No images? Click here (above) a new look for INI NEWS BULLETIN Dear friends, associates and supporters of INI, Welcome to the May 2021 edition of our monthly news bulletin which, much like Cambridge University's "May Week", is confusingly coming to you in the calendar month of June. Our three main stories this month relate to: a major redesign for, an exciting launch of (at least) three new postdoctoral research fellowships, and a "K-Theory and Representation Theory" summer school on the horizon. We would also like to extend warm congratulations to Richard Samworth (Statistical Scalability, 2018) and Endre Süli (Computational Challenges in Partial Differential Equations, 2003) on their recent appointments as Fellows of the Royal Society; and our deepest condolences to the colleagues, family and friends of the late Charles Doering (From Finite to Infinite Dimensional Systems, 1995), a lead organiser of the forthcoming Mathematical aspects of turbulence: where do we stand? (2022), who sadly passed away on 15 May. You can find uplifting tributes to Professor Doering from those that knew him at the University of Michigan and far beyond via this forever missed page. Do remember to keep an eye on the latest seminars listings, where this month you'll find talks in the ongoing "Applicable resurgent asymptotics: towards a universal theory" programme, as well as the Verified software: tools and experiments (7-11 June) and New horizons in dispersive hydrodynamics (21 June - 2 July) workshops. As ever, you can follow us on Twitter (as well as Instagram and Facebook) for regular updates of our activities throughout the month. Thanks as always for your continued support. - INI Communications team Would you like to direct colleagues or associates to our newsletter sign-up page? Simply forward them this link: Contact: (above) the main menu system of INI's redesigned website. NEWTON.AC.UK: INI's website relaunched with major new redesign. We are very pleased to say that a major redesign of the Institute's website, which has been ongoing since the autumn of 2020, is now live. We hope that the updated format of the site helps you find key information more quickly and easily, and that the refined menu system provides clear paths to all the content that the past 29 years of the INI activities has generated. Updates and improvements are ongoing, but if you would like to get in touch with any user feedback, please message FELLOWSHIPS: Applications now open for new postdoctoral research fellowships in mathematics In conjunction with the Departments of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (DPMMS) and Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP), the Institute is delighted to invite applications for at least three Simons Postdoctoral Fellowships in Mathematics. Thanks to the generous support of the Simons Foundation, this newly established Scheme has been created to enable exceptional early career researchers in the mathematical sciences to gain experience, independence and new connections, and hence assist them during the present difficult situation of COVID-19 on their way to a successful academic career. These prestigious one-year fellowships will see with successful candidates spend 4-6 months participating in an INI programme with the remainder of the period spent at either DPMMS or DAMTP. Applications close on 21 June 2021. EVENTS: LMS-INI- Bath Summer School on K-Theory & Representation Theory (19-23 July) The Institute, in conjunction with the London Mathematical Society and the University of Bath, is proud to be supporting a Summer School on K-Theory & Representation Theory. The free, online event runs from 19-23 July 2021 and is a component of the LMS–INI–Bath Symposium on K-Theory and Representation Theory which will take place in July 2022. The summer school will cover material that is foundational to the upcoming symposium. Speakers include (above, clockwise from top left): Bram Mesland (Leiden), Hang Wang (Shanghai), Peter Hochs (Nijmegen), and Anne-Marie Aubert (Paris). The summer school will cover "material that is foundational to the upcoming symposium, namely, representation theory of real and p-adic Lie groups, the theory of C*-algebras and operator K-theory, and finally the method of "Dirac Induction" which brings the above together by employing Dirac operators in the study of representations". |