The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church No Images? Click here

GROWing Non-Stop

Our group began meeting together in the fall of 2013 as a GROW Group searching for God's call on our lives for the orphan. As part of that process we learned all we could learn about what the Bible has to say about caring for the orphan and the fatherless. We spent extended time in gatherings contemplating what James 1:27 should mean to us as Christians wanting to live "true religion."

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" (James 1:27 NIV).

We had completed our scheduled number of gatherings, but we felt that since we now knew what the Bible says about caring for the orphan, we could not turn our backs on "the least of these" and go back to our comfortable American lives. We have met regularly since. The GROW group has grown into a full-time ministry: God's Hands 4 Kids. We have sought to learn and seek God's will for us as a group, individually, as families and as the church. We have shared what we have learned. We have recruited foster families, done drives and volunteered with the Berrien County Department of Health Human Services (DHHS). We have learned and shared and prayed.

by Carol Jordan, God's Hands 4 Kids Founder


The Importance of Blood

Celebrated on June 14 every year, World Blood Donor Day serves to raise awareness of the need for blood and blood products, as well to thank voluntary unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood (World Health Organization).

Leading up to World Blood Donor Day, Michigan Blood is honoring their top donors in West Michigan. Lorraine Peterson, one of PMC's very own, has been honored with an award for being Michigan Blood's Top Female Donor for the St. Joseph area. Over the years, she has donated 21 gallons of blood. Her donation has helped serve the needs of more than 40 hospitals around the state of Michigan, providing blood for patients who may need it. Each donation has the potential to save three lives, meaning Lorraine has potentially helped save as many as 500 lives! (Michigan Blood)

Congratulations Lorraine! May we all be reminded by her example to serve others in whatever capacity we may be able to. We can make a difference in someone's life.

by Kryzia Abacan, Pioneer Midweek Editor

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