The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church
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Stewardship?  How would you define it?  Many people think stewardship is all about managing money and possessions.  If you don't have any (and on an University campus, there are definitely people in this situation!)  then you really don't need to concern yourself with being a good steward.   Right? 

Actually, stewardship is about managing ALL that God has provided including money and possessions, your health, the environment, your time and talents  - with the purpose of returning the first fruits of your life to God.  Giving from a  heart overflowing with joy and gratitude IS an act of worship to God for what He has given you.   

Maybe you are looking for ways to use your God-given talents as an act of worship.  Just a reminder that  many opportunities will be available at the  annual SERVE Expo  which takes place this Friday evening, September 11, 8:30-11:00 p.m.  Come to the  John N. Andrews statue where you will find many tables with displays, describing numerous choices of ways you can become involved in ministries  - on the campus and in the community.


by Sharon Terrell, Stewardship Pastor


Do It In Cyberspace

Have you tried using the new PMC SecureGive kiosk or app yet? No need to worry about finding a tithe envelope to fill out. No need to memorize a URL. No checkbook, no cash. All you need is SecureGive's one touch app on your smartphone or tablet and you're ready to give anywhere on earth (dorm room, hotel room, class room, work place, golf cart––anywhere you can connect with cyberspace). So why not download the SecureGive app (Apple, Android) and take your financial partnership with God to cyberspace heights. "You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion . . . in thanksgiving to God" (2 Cor 9:11).


The Defiant Kentucky Clerk

So is she a hero or a villain? Rowan County (Kentucky) clerk Kim Davis was welcomed by adulating throngs this Tuesday, when U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning, who had incarcerated her last week for contempt of court, released her from jail. At issue is Ms. Davis’ contention that as an Apostolic Christian her conscience forbids her from complying with the Supreme Court’s summer decision declaring same sex marriages legal across this nation. Citing her understanding of biblical injunctions against same sex sexual relations, the Rowan County clerk refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples applying for the Supreme Court mandated provision. . . read more

by Dwight Nelson, Lead Pastor


The Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History

In recognition of the centennial of Ellen G. White’s death, a major scholarly symposium titled, “The Gift of Prophecy in Scripture anHistory” will break new ground in Biblical and historical study. It will feature twenty-two recognized international speakers as well as a pre-publication of their presentations.

This Symposium, held on October 15th-18th, will launch a quinquennial world-wide emphasis in the Seventh-day Adventist Church for understanding the gift of prophecy.

A special student registration rate is being offered to all current Andrews University students. Friday evening and Sabbath afternoon sessions are open to those who do not wish to register.

For more information or to register, please visit:

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