Almighty God, I am always in your presence... ![]() ![]() Day 3: How to pray using a Christian labyrinthWelcome to Day Three of our 10 Day Spiritual Journey. Today we explore Christian Labyrinth as a spiritual exercise. Labyrinths have been spiritual symbols of pilgrimage for Christians for centuries. A pilgrimage offers us the opportunity to open our hearts and minds and walk humbly with God. On this sacred journey we learn a little more about ourselves, explore thoughts and feelings and discern new ways of welcoming God’s holy presence into our lives. A labyrinth is not a maze - there is no puzzle to solve and no dead ends. Simply follow the path to the centre in prayerful silence. Stick to the path and you won't get lost. Today we show you how to create and use a finger labyrinth - tracing your own path in the loving presence of God. Finger labyrinths can be used for prayerful reflection when it is not possible to walk a full-sized labyrinth. We invite you to share your experience on our Facebook Page or tag us in a tweet @LlandaffDio When you're ready, press play to begin. How to draw a labyrinthHow to pray using a labyrinth![]() We've compiled a number of labyrinth prayer guides to help you explore labyrinth as spiritual exercise. Your labyrinth prayer time can be as open or as structured as you like. You may say a prayer while you trace the labyrinth with your finger or simply hold in your mind an image of a loved one or a favourite memory. ![]() |