Vol. 7: No. 11
November 1, 2018
Click here for a Bulletin Insert or 8.5x11 Poster of this Report
What Are People Saying About
OPC Short-Term Missions?
Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel... Mark 16:15 (ESV)
Short-term missionary, Anna Kloosterman, assisted a young missionary family in Uganda (Summer 2018)
In this issue: 2018 STM Survey: A sampling of answers to the 2018 Short-Term Missions Survey could be helpful to those who lead or want to join an STM team! Current Opportunities: - Hurricane relief volunteers are needed in 3 locations
- Two Summer 2019 STM teams are now seeking members
- Four openings for Missionary Associates
- Skilled help needed in Key West
We received responses from 38.5% of those to whom we sent this year's survey.
Sample of 2018 STM Survey Results
"As a result of this STM experience, I..."
83%......want to go on an STM trip again
79%......will recommend this STM trip to others
69%......will encourage others to go on an STM trip
69%......will try to evangelize more in my day to day life
64%......will pray more for missions
51%......will talk more about missions and outreach with my church friends
36%......am more likely to consider serving as a missionary someday
36%......am more interested in staying up to date on OPC missions
33%......understand better what a missionary's day to day life is like
19%......would consider serving as a missionary associate for one to two years
17%......would like to be a leader on an STM trip
What short-termers said, in retrospect, would have helped them feel better prepared, could be helpful to you as you make your plans!
"Would any of the following have helped improve your preparation for your STM trip?"
50%......More prayer
40%......More Bible Study
24%......More knowledge about the work we were going to be doing
22%......More communication with other members of my team
21%......More time practicing the songs or skits I'd be performing
16%......More communication from the field
12%......More time planning the lessons I'd be teaching
10%......More information from those who went on this trip previously
10%......Being in better physical shape
9%.......More knowledge about the people we were going to serve
9%.......Packing more appropriately
7%.......Reading "how to" articles or books on short-term missions
5%.......Short-term missions training
HELPFUL HINT: The "Get Inspired" section at OPCSTM.org offers many photos and testimonials that can give you information from those who went on STM trips previously.
HELPFUL HINT: The "STM Resources" page at OPCSTM.org provides background reading, Powerpoint training, links, tools, and tips for those going on an STM trip.
"How would you assess the cost of this trip?
"How were funds raised for your trip?"
39%......It was paid for out of the church, missions, or youth group budget
36%......I used my own funds/savings
27%......My church took up a special offering, held a fundraising event, etc.
25%......I raised funds by asking/writing to family, friends, church members
15%......My family paid for me
"What would you say to recommend
short-term missions to someone?"
- It's amazing how the church is a global entity and how great a unifier Christ is!
- It increases one’s desire to serve Christ at home; renews the joy of the gospel.
- They give you a taste of how God's kingdom is advancing on the front lines.
- Grow in your ability to respect authority and take responsibility for yourself.
- You serve in many ways you would not normally have the opportunity to.
- It helps you
appreciate things about another culture as well as your own.
- Wonderful opportunity to serve, encourage and support missionaries.
- It’s a good kind of uncomfortable that you can’t get anywhere else.
- It's a great way to water seeds planted by long-term missionaries.
- It's sharing Christ in a way that strengthens your own convictions.
- It's one of the best ways to challenge and test your faith.
- Go ahead - do it! See how God works in your life!
- Witnessing to the lost is amazing and addictive.
- You will grow in ways you do not realize.
- It is a piece of Heaven from God.
- Don't think about doing it, do it.
- You won't regret it.
- It’s life-changing.
Hurricane Relief Volunteers Needed
The OPC Hurricane Relief Ministry continues long after hurricanes have stopped being covered in the news! Give of your time and skills to help those who continue to bear the brunt of these storms!
Photo from builddirect.com
Experienced individuals needed to install laminated flooring at the Keys OPC/Keys Evangelistic Ministries facility in Key West. Can you help?
Looking Ahead to Summer 2019
Team Organizer, David Winslow, with two other members of English Camp Team 2017
Apply to join the team that will travel to the Czech Republic to teach and serve at the English Family Camp run by OP Missionaries, the Farniks... Applications Now Being Accepted:
Micah Sterrett, member of Team Haiti 2018
Plans are underway for Team Haiti to once again lead three VBS programs on the island of La Gonave with OPC missionaries, the Hopps... Learn More:
Serve Our Missionaries
as a Missionary Associate
Scenic photo from silversea.com
Missionary Associate
Needed in Quebec
Spend 1-2 years assisting OPC missionary, Ben Westerveld, with English language outreach and discipleship ministries in Quebec City...
Missionary Associates
Needed in Asia
Spend 1-2 years serving as a full-time instructor of interactive English conversation at a university near OPC missionaries in Asia...
OPC's Reformation Book Room in Mbale
Missionary Associates
Needed in Uganda
Work in the OPC Reformation Book Room in Mbale; homeschool OPC missionary kids in Karamoja; or share your skills doing maintenance work...
Scenic photo from uruguay2go.com
Missionary Associates
Needed in Uruguay
Assist with outreach, evangelism, and music in OPC worship; or help OPC missionary families with childcare, cooking, and cleaning...
Find a printable poster or bulletin insert of this report, or archives of past reports, at OPCSTM.org:
David P. Nakhla
Short-Term Missions and Disaster Response Coordinator
Janet L. Birkmann
Communications Coordinator,
Short-Term Missions and Disaster Response