JULY 2021
![]() Dear Community, We hope you have all been enjoying your summer and getting some time away for COVID-safe vacations! We are excited to launch the first Leaders in ACTION course for ACTION clinicians (details below). We are also excited to share our two network milestone accomplishments this month. The Patient Reported Outcomes team received Tonic training and will be enrolling VAD patients soon. We also launched the provider side of our My ACTION Education learning platform. Both projects took several years for design, development, testing, and finally implementation. We are grateful to our leaders and teams, and proud of the work we have accomplished together! Regards, ![]()
The 16th International Conference on Pediatric Mechanical Circulatory Support Systems & Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Perfusion![]() This conference will focus on ways to enhance the comfort level of clinicians taking care of complex heart failure patients with and without congenital heart disease. Attendees will have the opportunity to collaborate and discuss effective ways to bring mechanical support and cardiopulmonary bypass strategies to the bedside as well as how best to manage therapies once they are instituted. Topics Include:
Cardiac Networks United presents NEW virtual education opportunities!![]() QI Basics & Advanced Learning Health Network TrainingThe CNU QI Core is excited to announce that we will be offering several educational and training opportunities for network members who are interested in learning more about quality improvement methodology, tools, and processes. See CNU's flyer that outlines three tracks, including format, target participants, purpose, content overview, and schedules. The flyer includes registration links for both the QI Basics series and the Advanced Learning Health Network Training series. The QI Orientation for Patients and Families registration link will be coming soon. Check it out!![]() We've launched our NEW provider education & training resources!![]() VAD & Heart Failure provider education and training is now available on MyACTIONEducation.orgThis new PROVIDER-only side of our educational site includes training material, protocols, infographics, ACTION projects, and much more! The provider content is only available to clinical members of ACTION centers—please email us for access. All patient & caregiver education is still publicly available at: myactioneducation.org. ![]() ![]() ![]() Looking for Leadership Development?More leaders will improve outcomes faster!ACTION invites all clinical members of any level to apply for a NEW leadership development program. Starting in October 2021, this executive education program will bring together a peer group of clinical members from a variety of health care settings who face similar challenges to share experiences and apply learnings to drive change in their clinical settings. Participants will engage in small groups of facilitators and peers in discussions, interactive simulations, and self-study. Leaders in ACTION will allow participants to develop deeper awareness of their own leadership strengths and opportunities and apply best practices in their role and with their teams. We are grateful to have this program directed by Dr. Ed O'Neil, a member of the clinical community and owner of O’Neil and Associates, a management consulting and leadership development firm focused on change and renewal in the health care system. Click the link below for more info or if you are interested in applying. ![]() ![]() HeartMate 3™ LVAD Patient Education Handbook now available in Spanish!![]() ACTION centers implanting the HeartMate 3™ LVAD device should contact their Abbott representatives to obtain copies of the HeartMate 3™ LVAD Patient Education Handbook in Spanish! Email us with any questions. ![]() Quality Improvement UpdatesDischarge Project The Discharge Committee Leaders are continuing discussions around how to discharge more patients and expanding scope to include best practices for listing patients for transplant. In the meantime, please continue to test the Flight Plan and Journey Map, and enter data into REDCap on any patients who have been discharged or transferred to the floor. Stroke Project The next discussion meeting will be held on August 5, 2021, and Cincinnati Children’s will present a case. The stroke strategy team has been discussing the next focus to drive down stroke rates, and believe it is important to better understand how pre-operative imaging plays a role. A new stroke data collection in REDCap is being developed and details will be coming soon! Medication Titration Project The project focus around optimizing and uptitrating medicines for heart failure patients is underway. The next team meeting is on August 11, 2021 where the baseline survey will be showcased. Currently there are eight teams signed up to participate. Any additional teams interested in submitting baseline data and participating in the project interventions, please reach out to Nikita DSouza. Heart Function (Failure) Project HEART FUNCTION is the new name for all Heart Failure committee and projects. In many cases, “heart failure” can improve with medications and appropriate therapies therefore ACTION has decided to use more inclusive and constructive terminology. Teams continue to test the two interventions: a communication checklist and a discharge plan. We are aiming to reduce length of stay for heart failure patients admitted to the hospital, as well as decrease readmissions. The next meeting will be on August 31, 2021. Please continue to enter data into the enrollment REDCap for all heart failure patients, not only patients that have used the interventions. Please see the NEW Heart Failure Data Entry infographic to know when and where to enter data for this project. ![]() Registry Database