No images? Click here 6 August 2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19)Workplace Directions from Victoria’s Public Health Commander This alert highlights key points from the Workplace Directions issued by Victoria’s Public Health Commander on 5 August 2020. Key points
Workplace DirectionsVictoria’s Public Health Commander, Dr Finn Romanes, has issued Workplace Directions which aim to limit the number of Victorians attending workplaces, and to clarify the obligations of employers and workers in managing the risks associated with COVID-19. The full list of Workplace Directions includes directions about preventative measures and responding to suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the workplace. Please read and implement the actions outlined in the Work Directions. In particular, we remind you of the importance of taking the necessary steps to minimise the number of workers working across multiple premises. COVID-19 Planning resource for people with disabilityThe COVID-19 Planning resource for people with disability helps people with disability to get the facts about COVID-19, make a plan for how they will manage during the pandemic, and know what to do if they experience symptoms. Please share the resource with the people you support, and their families/guardians, as this is one way to support NDIS participants to exercise choice and control in the current situation. Further information, alerts and resources The Coronavirus (COVID-19) information webpage on the NDIS Commission website contains links to updates, training, alerts and other resources. We also have a COVID-19 webpage containing information for people with disability, and a webpage of frequently asked questions about COVID-19 for all stakeholders. Contact Us
Links to previous COVID-19 provider alerts
General Enquiries1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) Our contact centre is open 9am to 4.30pm in the NT To provide feedback, contact the NDIS Commission by emailing |