NDIS provider information for the Disability Royal Commission The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission) has asked the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) to provide certain information about registered NDIS providers, registered providers of supports, former registered providers of supports, and former registered NDIS providers. The requested information includes:
The Disability Royal Commission has asked for the information to be current as at 30 June 2019. The NDIA and the NDIS Commission have now provided most of the requested information to the Disability Royal Commission. The NDIA and the NDIS Commission have different obligations in relation to disclosing personal information. Because of these obligations, the NDIS Commission will consult a small number of registered NDIS providers who are sole traders before deciding whether to provide information about the number of reportable incidents they have reported and the number of complaints made about them. The NDIA was not required to undertake any consultation before providing the requested information to the Disability Royal Commission.
Q&A What do I need to do right now? You do not need to do anything about this. The NDIA and the NDIS Commission are letting you know about this, as a courtesy. Will I be consulted? If you are being consulted, you will shortly receive an email from the NDIS Commission. You will only be consulted if you:
More information More information about the Disability Royal Commission is available on their website. More information about the NDIS Act and Rules is available on:
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