The RBOC is the Recreational Boaters Of California. It is a non-profit government advocacy organization led by 19 volunteer boating officers and directors from all over the state. They work with lawmakers to inform them of California boaters’ needs and to advocate boater positions on legislation and regulations. It is funded by member yacht club donations and each member of Sequoia Yacht Club has the opportunity to contribute as part of our annual dues statement.
They support bills and regulations that would enhance recreational boating, and opposes bills and regulations that would have a detrimental impact on the state’s three million boating enthusiasts. There are several key issues being discussed in Sacramento that will affect you including issues regarding copper antifouling paints, vessel operator certification.
The organization’s advocacy efforts include testimony in public hearings, meetings with elected officials, preparation of amendments to alleviate potential problems with specific bills, as well as the sponsorship of pro-active legislation to benefit the recreational boater. RBOC also works closely in partnership with Boat U.S. on federal legislative and regulatory issues important to boaters.
For the latest information and the Winter 2014 Boaters Brief please click here :
Winston Bumpus, Commodore