Senior Studies at JPC during COVID-19 restrictions


The ACT senior secondary system is built on student choice and flexibility, with a reliance on validated school-based assessment. This positions us well to continue delivering learning and assessment in an online mode. The key requirements of the existing system are Attendance and Assessment.


Attendance is traditionally measured by attendance onsite at scheduled lesson times. In the current situation, no student is required to be at JPC. During our transitional phase, senior students are to access their learning directions from Moodle and to submit evidence of set work that shows ongoing engagement with this learning (in the mode of ILT). Teachers can provide feedback to student questions through the discussion forum on Moodle. In the fully online format, JPC will run the standard timetable with three lessons in their regular timeslots (pre week 5, Term 1 timetable). This provides clarity for students as to when their teachers are available for consultation and lesson contact. Students’ timetables (no change from current) will be available via the student portal on Sentral Students use their Moodle login username (e.g. astude01) and password (Date of birth). While we are still working through some teething issues, this portal allows students to access their timetable and whole school messages. In Term 2, students will be expected to attend roll call on Zoom lessons (minimum two / week) when they can be introduced to a new concept, have an activity explained or have a short class discussion (as examples). Students continue to submit evidence of set work and interact with their peers and teachers on Moodle Discussion Forums.


If students do not engage with the work set each week, then they are jeopardising their Senior Secondary Certificate. Teachers will be contacting home via email if they feel students are not engaging appropriately with the learning opportunities.


Assessment in the ACT BSSS system is all school-based. JPC, as with all senior secondary colleges, is required to ensure the rigour and validity of assessment that fairly measures students’ success against the achievement standard for each subject. There are requirements on the types of tasks that we need to deliver and we have a few subject areas, as with the rest of the ACT, where we are waiting for BSSS advice. For example, the practical elements of Design Technology are difficult to access when specialised equipment is required. It may be that a purely theoretical approach needs to be taken. However, for the vast majority of subjects, the existing published assessment schedules (Unit outlines available on Moodle) will be maintained.

  • Take home tasks are to be submitted via Turnitin on Moodle
  • Oral presentations may be presented via Zoom, so there is still an audience, or alternatively video recordings or vocal overlays on PowerPoints may be used.
  • Practical tasks, whilst more problematic, may be presented. We are exploring options via Zoom to showcase performance (Arts), and we are considering the sign-out of resources (e.g. sewing machines, art equipment, robotic kits).
  • Exams/Tests may be through the timed release and submission on Moodle, potentially with Zoom supervision.

Teachers will make their expectations around submission explicit when they distribute tasks.


It remains the expectation that students who are struggling make an early request, with parental support, of their teacher for an extension. Students who are unwell and not able to submit a task on the due date need to contact their teacher on the day it is due (or parents to make contact). If a student is ill and cannot submit within 3 days of the due date, then a medical certificate is required. If parents cannot obtain a certificate, then contact with the House Assistant Principal via email to discuss the situation is required.  We aim to fully support all our students through their senior studies, but our accountability particularly around the validity of rankings for Tertiary students means that we must maintain clear expectations and follow published processes.


As soon as we receive any specific guidance from the BSSS on any issues regarding senior studies, we will pass this information on to you.

1021 Gungahlin Drive Nicholls ACT  |  Ph: (02) 6163 4800
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