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Midsummer Inside Story letter



Hi there


How are you feeling with the arrival of summer?


I usually have high energy in this season. However, this year, I want to retreat a little, to quietly nurture my ideas. To say no or not yet, and to save all my yeses for the things that truly light me up.


As I write this, and the latest episode of the Brand Seasons podcast reaches listeners, I'm reflecting on what it truly takes to embrace seasonality in business. I'm curious to rediscover my own unique rhythm and remind myself that, much like the dahlia that expands and contracts as it flourishes, growth isn't linear but rhythmic.


When I last met with my coach, Sara Duigou, we talked about spirals and stages of growth. On this spiral, there are times of action and focus, and there are times of pausing and stillness, and we grow through both. And while we can show up in small ways without impacting our creative energy too much, I can sense a deep need to enjoy a digital hiatus and create from a calmer place. I'm not convinced I can do that without breaking away for a short while.


With this in mind, I think my summer will involve less "showing up" online and more showing up for myself. But how will this play out in practice?


1. Slowing down


While I've enjoyed recording and publishing the Brand Seasons podcast, I've decided to take a mid-season break to recharge before it returns. So far, we've explored living and working in alignment with the seasons, sowing ideas that support our vision and values, and tending to our creative foundations. In my latest episode with Laura Blume, we discuss harnessing energy and creating structure and I have one more solo episode coming up, about resourcing ourselves ahead of a launch.


2. Creating less


When focusing on something new, I occasionally forget to stop saying yes in other areas of my life, which can lead to a pretty full plate. To help me avoid this, the plan is to complete client projects, and then free up my resources for crowdfunding plans. It feels like a time to find some flow in crafting my Brand Seasons Playdeck and Paper and allow some excitement to unfold around the opportunity to design two things I’ve dreamt of making for some time.


Did you know you can join the launch waitlist and enjoy the early bird rewards when the campaign goes live?


3. Finding calm


Separating home and work has been on the cards for some time, so I was delighted to find a studio in the nearby town of Melrose, and we moved in yesterday! While the change was about putting some boundaries in place, it feels like I'm turning the page to a new chapter in my work, too. Our landlord has been so helpful, freshening up the space ready for us to make our mark, and I'm eager to get creative with styling but maintain a calm and cosy feel. A home away from home!


This, I hope, will free me up for a summer of fun with the kids, as well as a season of play for myself.


What does summer have in store for you?

Say hello to the Brand Seasons podcast sponsor


Say hello to the Brand Seasons podcast sponsor


Loving lately...

  • Midsummer dreaming: A soft and soothing modern mixtape to leave you feeling calm and contented...featuring Billie Marten, Flo Perlin and Ocie Elliot
  • Nourishing creativity​: In an article for 91 Magazine I wrote about five encouraging and enlightening books including The Creative Act and Creative Confidence
  • Luminous launching: I find that visibility can often equal vulnerability, so I've joined this course as a founding member to make the process more playful


Halfway highlights

Five simple journaling prompts to support you at this midpoint.

  1. What has been the best thing you've decided to create so far this year? It takes courage to start, so this applies whether you've completed it or not.
  2. In the world of business, who do you admire most, and why? What are they doing that's memorable, and how can you take inspiration from them?
  3. If you could change one thing about your business—relating to your brand strategy, style, or story—what would it be? What's stopping you from taking action?
  4. If you fully embraced your brand and valued your hopes and dreams for your business, what shifts would you confidently make in the next six months?
  5. How do you want people to feel when they first encounter your brand? What is one small thing you can do this month to inspire that feeling in someone?
Join the waitlist from my brand package with Studio Gently
Enjoy my mini guide to Crafting Your Brand Story

Read more


In other news, I’m running a workshop for The Design Trust about the psychology of fonts and colour and plan to run the same workshop within my Brand Seasons membership over the summer. If you're curious to learn more, you can subscribe and upgrade for just £45 — this includes a 25% discount for Inside Story subscribers until 14th July. You'll also gain access to my upcoming workshop about styling a Substack publication, plus a mini library of brand strategy, styling and storytelling resources for your business.


Meanwhile, you can take stock of your online presence with a content audit to evaluate your website, socials and emails to help you tend to those digital foundations. Note: if you're a member of the Brand Seasons or Gathering Stories communities, you have a copy of this guide.


More recently, I joined Sarah Philp on the Space to Think podcast to chat about creativity. I enjoyed her conversation with Robert Poynton about the power of the pause (very much on theme for this Inside Story letter) so I was pleased when Sarah reached out.


If you're curious about improvisation, you might like this article. It's about breakdowns and how they can often make way for breakthroughs if we can learn to play, plot, and pivot.


That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed this midsummer issue and would love to know what resonated most.

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The fun, friendly & flexible way to refine your brand strategy, style or story.



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