![]() "Corona Care Kit"The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has turned our world/our little worlds upside down. Fear spreads faster than the virus. Our students are gone, our church is empty. What now? What's coming? Any word from God? Yes, of course. "Corona Care Kit" is a spring series of worship homilies injecting Heaven's strong assurance into this season of global and national uncertainty. Knowing the ultimate Event is yet on our horizon, how then shall we live? Coming Up... And more practical counsel from the Word of God through the month of April. By the way, the Latin word corona means "crown"—so this new series interfaces not only with the virus we’ve come to know by name, but the future “crown” we know by biblical promise. Let’s engage that future, even as we deal with our very present circumstances. Prayer PromisePeace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27). ![]() ![]() Online Giving ReminderWe encourage you to take advantage of the secure option, Adventist Giving Online, for submission of your tithes and offerings. You may also send via mail. ![]() "'Love Thy Neighbor'"—Corona StyleThree days into our Michigan coronavirus lockdown, I’m already wondering, “How long does all this last?” Not that I’m impatient, mind you. But like you, I’m eager for the pandemic to be conquered, for the sick to be healed, for the rest of us to be saved, and for life to move beyond these four walls! But assuming we’re going to be here for a bit (home-bound), I’ll be sending you a weekly blog that connects the life of the Spirit with life in a pandemic. Let’s open with this story (USA Today) sent me by a friend—about a 60-year-old pet-sitter named Amy McDonald (Fishers, Indiana). Her business, Amy’s Critter Care, focuses on giving day-time TLC (like long walks) to pets whose owners work away from home. . . . COVID-19 ResourcesSelf-isolating because of COVID-19? We are here to help! We have a team of volunteers that can help pick up things for you like groceries or medicine, and they can even call you to pray with you. Let us know how we can help! Family, Faith, & Fun!As we find ourselves more and more confined, try to spend some time in nature, even if it is just in your yard. Look for objects that can remind you of a spiritual lesson or of God in general: a bud on a branch can remind you of Jesus' resurrection; an acorn can remind you that God can make mighty things out of seemingly insignificant things; a bird can remind you that if God takes care of the birds, He will take care of you, too. - Sponsored by the Family Life Committee - COVID-19 Agape Feast Next SabbathBecause Michigan Conference has canceled the celebration of the Lord’s Supper this month (for obvious reasons), we will have a live-streamed Agape Feast celebration next Sabbath (April 4) for all online worshipers. What’s the difference between an Agape Feast and communion’s Lord’s Supper? The Lord’s Supper is a formal celebration within the local congregation, in which designated leaders (elders, deacons, pastors) officiate in the distribution and partaking of consecrated bread (a symbol of Christ’s body) and wine (a symbol of His blood). Clearly, we are unable to provide those consecrated symbolic elements for every worshiper online. But what we can do is celebrate an Agape Feast, an informal simple meal (fruit, crackers, and nuts) while we joyfully reflect upon the gift of God’s love poured out in the gift of our Lord at Calvary. To prepare for this worship service, simply have on hand some fruit and crackers, and we will collectively join together in partaking them in a shared time of glad reflection and praise. Please invite your family and friends to join you online for this celebration next Sabbath. (Forward this invitation to them, if you wish.) May we rejoice in the presence of the living Christ our Savior (in this season of the pandemic) as we worship next Sabbath (9:00 AM/11:45 AM—pmchurch.org or Facebook Live). Home VisitsThe Board of Elders, under the leadership of Bryan and Becky von Dorpowski, has responded to the immediate spiritual and emotional needs of our oldest Pioneer members. Recognizing many of them will choose to protect themselves from the coronavirus by limiting their time in the wider community and thus missing the weekly fellowship that worship and Sabbath School provided, the elders will be focusing on those Pioneer members in their 70s, 80s, 90s, and 100s—and will be reaching out by phone to visit with them. (In order to protect the health of our members our elders will not be making home visits at this time.) If you know of an at-risk member who needs personal attention, please call Claudia Sowler 269.471.3134. The elders are praying these targeted phone calls will bring the ministry of our Good Shepherd Savior to these who have faithfully walked with Him throughout their lives. ![]() Pioneer Memorial Church 269.471.3133 |