The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church
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Pastor's Blog 


5,700 feet underground is enough to stir up anybody’s latent claustrophobia. Although I suppose that if you’re used to being that far down and are doing it for a living (as miners do), it’s pretty much old hat to you. Unless, of course, your way back up to the surface has been blocked, as was the case with South African miners in the Harmony Gold mine west of Johannesburg. They were digging over a mile underground when apparently a magnitude-2.4 tremor shook a large rock loose, tumbling it into a metal cable, causing a spark that ignited combustible material into an underground fire, trapping eight men in that subterranean dark. Several years ago in almost the same place in South Africa I descended 742 feet into a gold mine  in a small elevator with other tourists (the certificate of proof is still on my study wall)—and trust me, I was more concerned about getting back up to the surface than enjoying the chilled-air sights of that abandoned mine! more

by Dwight Nelson, Lead Pastor


PMC Health Ministries Re-launches 

A new era for PMC Health Ministries has begun with an official partnership with the new Andrews University Health & Wellness initiative under the leadership of the new director, Dominique Wakefield. This partnership is providing the opportunity to integrate students into the work of health through the church and combines resources, efforts and team work!

The renewed mission of Pioneer Memorial Church’s Health Ministries is to transform, change, and save lives for eternity by reaching the world for Christ and His Kingdom through the powerful medium of health and wellbeing. The 2016 Health Ministries team consists of: 

  • David Cady, Behavioral Science/Public Health major and Wellness Action Team member
  • Collette Covrig, Nutrition Sciences major and Wellness Action Team member
  • Judith Montilla, Nutrition & Dietetics major and Wellness Action Team member
  • Gabriella Fernandez, BS Exercise Science, University Health & Wellness Team member
  • Katherine Koudele, Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Professor of Animal Science 
  • Dominique Wakefield, PhD (c), MA, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Wellness Practitioner, Director for University Health & Wellness 


  1. Please join our movement through participation, volunteering and supporting these renewed efforts!
  2. Connect with us on Facebook and check out the new website
  3. Join the daily awareness campaign of ‘planking’ at 3 p.m. for 30 seconds wherever you are and post picture on social media using the hashtag #aulivewholly
  4. Join the weekly 5K walk at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays meeting at the AU sculpture
  5. Invite OTHERS to join in the above! 

by Dominique Wakefield, Director for University Health & Wellness, Andrews University & PMC Health Ministries

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