The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church No Images? Click here

BYCF Health Tent

For over 40 years, the Health Tent has been a haven of solace for many Berrien County Youth Fair attendees. From free massages and cool water to children's activities, many have enjoyed the services offered from energetic volunteers, and have found the health education to be informative and useful in daily living. 

Our volunteers have ranged from professionals (seasoned nursing and public health specialists, to medical doctors and practitioners, as well as physical and massage therapists) to students, youth, and senior citizens who are health enthusiasts, and any others who want to see the Berrien County community live healthier lives!

Volunteer positions include Kids' Zone personnel, Health Age Counselors, Data Entry specialists, and NEWSTART station attendants. A training session on Friday, August 14, 2015 from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in the PMC Commons will provide more insight into the preparation for these posts. 

You can be part of this experience by volunteering to share the health message with those who have never heard it, and remind others of its longstanding benefits! Simply fill out the volunteer sign-up form found at

Thank you for your willingness to contribute to the health of the Berrien County community!


Grow Group Deadline Approaching!

Just a few more days left! August 16 will be our deadline to sign up our 8, 10, and 12 week GROW Group for the Fall 2015 catalog (September 27 and December 13). Send us your group information to the address below and start inviting people you know.

Thanks for helping us build a culture where we can CONNECT, GROW, SERVE, and GO in His name together! Let's GROW disciples who make disciples.

Questions? Write to Autumn M. or Pastor Vatel via 


What A Summer: "Engage Globally"

Sunday morning while still lying in bed, I decided to do the arithmetic. Perhaps it was the simple pleasure of sleeping in our own bed that triggered the notion. And so I counted the number of summer nights we slept in a bed not our own. I was surprised and so recalculated the number. It’s true. The total nights away from our favorite bed (from the last week of May to the last week of July) added up to forty. Brazil, Collegedale, West Virginia, Austin, San Antonio, Pugwash Nova Scotia, Vermont. (That three of those 40 nights were spent with our nearing-the-age-of-two-and-talking-up-a-storm granddaughter Ella certainly made the 40 more palatable!) And if you spent even more nights this summer on the road— and you have my condolences. . . read more

by Dwight Nelson, Lead Pastor

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