Designing the month of DecemberI started preparing this love letter on November 30th. A day before we turned a page to the last month of the year. I must admit that the feeling of "oh boy, already?" hit me as I thought of the days passing. Truth is that holidays bring a lot of mixed feelings for many of us. For me, the combined role of being a mom and wrapping up the end of the year for BK business fills my plate quite a bit. Without a plan and vision, it can be difficult to end up where we want to be. So I have decided to consciously design my month of December. The design will change along the way and it’s okay. It will still work as a gentle guideline. Personally, I have one North Star goal for December. When I look back, I want to be filled with a feeling of intention. Simple and straightforward. I spent some time brainstorming on a few tangible ways that I knew would get me closer. The first design change I’m making for my December that’s different from previous December is to keep my morning analogue rituals going especially when I have a full day ahead. Frido and I also opened our December calendar together and plotted our holiday family time so we could embrace moments to decorate our Christmas tree, wrap gifts for family and friends with love (instead of burning the midnight oil like last year!!), and make homemade treats to share. This way, these holiday gatherings and activities will not become another checklist item (or a late-night project I regret procrastinating) but rather occasions to celebrate and be together. I appreciate Trina's thoughts on "giving ourselves" to the world for this special season. Because it is true. This season will be so much richer if we focus our energy on connecting with our loved ones and our community. Also, I hope you have time to sit down with coffee or tea and read through Emil's personal story about the time when he took medical leave from BK this fall. I am so thankful for him to open his heart to share his post-operative experience and how his analogue rituals grounded him during that time. Wherever you are in your life, I hope you have a moment to dream and imagine how you want to feel on December 31st. It doesn't have to be earth-shattering or grand bur rather it wants to be authentic and true to who you are. I will definitely keep you posted on how our designed month turns out. -wakako always work in progress..., Altadena, California // December 4th, 2019 |