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Welcome to our new Safeguarding Coordinators Bi-Monthly E-Bulletin

Thank you for all the hard work you do to ensure a safe church for all. In order to support you more in the valuable work that you do, we intend to communicate more regularly with you regarding the following via this bi-monthly e-bulletin:


Safeguarding Service News

PVG updates & Common Mistakes


Common Enquiries


We hope this is a useful tool for you but if you are in need of help, you can always get in touch with us at safeguarding@cofscotland.org.uk or by calling 0131 240 2256.


Again, a big thank you for the work you do to ensure a safe church for all. 

Breaking News!! Increase in Errors on PVG Forms

We have been seeing an increase in errors in PVG forms recently.  Three steps which we think will help coordinators and the Safeguarding Service with this issue are the following:


STEP 1 - When issuing the volunteer with a PVG application - ask them 'Are you already a member of the scheme? If they say yes, they will need an existing member PVG application. If they say no, they will need a full application to join. If they are unsure, ask them to ring Disclosure Scotland to check and to get their PVG number before you issue them with a form.  


STEP 2 - Once, you are certain of the type of application the voulunteer needs, please provide them with this form, and their self decleration form and ensure the volunteer has the correct set of PVG form guidelines and advise them that they MUST follow the guidelines step by step. Ensure that they are aware of this. 


STEP 3 - When you receive the completed application form,  using your coordinator guidelines, check through the application step by step before sending in to the Safeguarding Service. If you have any questions at this point that are unclear on the guidelines, give us a call on 0131 240 2256 and we will be happy to help.


All PVG packs issued come with the most up to date version of the SG3 self-declaration i.e. version 2017; this is also available to download from our website. Please ensure that this version is used.  All copies of older versions you may have should be destroyed.


Please remember that it is now a requirement of Disclosure Scotland that any amendments or overwriting at the date at C1/2 on an application form need to be initialled by the applicant.


QUESTION FOR SAFEGUARDING COORDINATORS - Is there anything that is unclear on the guidelines provided by the Safeguarding Service? Let us know if you think there is something we could do to make things clearer. 


Enquiries Spotlight: What common questions have been coming up?

Let's make sure we are all singing from the same hymn sheet!


Do Safeguarding Panel Members need to be members of the PVG scheme?  No. Being a member of a Safeguarding Panel does not involve regulated work. However, panel members may have PVG scheme membership for other voluntary roles in the Church involving regulated work.


Do elders need to be members of the PVG scheme?  Elders only require PVG Scheme Membership if they are members of a pastoral care team or they are doing another role in your congregation which involves regulated work. Elders do not require PVG Scheme membership if they are carrying out their district visiting.


Do volunteers need to attend Safeguarding Training?

'Instruct Kirk Sessions to ensure that all volunteers and paid staff who are members of the PVG Scheme attend safeguarding training’ was a deliverance at the General Assembly in 2015.


Therefore, all workers who are members of the PVG scheme require to attend safeguarding training and it should be recorded on the Congregational Register.

Domestic Abuse Handbook Launched at General Assembly 2017

Safeguarding Handbook 6 - Responding to Domestic Abuse


This is now available to view on our website