Something I've been thinking a lot about lately: patience. If you are a type-A person like I am, it can be really easy to set your eyes on the prize and just try to beast-mode through everything that you have to do to get there. Similarly, I'm not great at practicing things. I'm one of those annoying people that in school didn't have to study to do well on tests. I'm used to just being proficient enough at things when I pick them up and not having to try too hard to get better.
These things combine to make me a not very patient person, and definitely not very gentle with myself. Sound familiar? Given that I just had a baby, things have changed and I can't just go back into the things that I used to do in as gung ho a manner as I'd like to. Physically things have changed, mentally they've changed, but professionally they've changed, too. I have a whole other person to think about when I consider those late night meetings, and I have to budget for childcare in my overall schedule.
It can be so hard to be patient, to be gentle with yourself, and recognize that even if things don't feel as perfect as you'd like or expect them to right now, you are exactly where you need to be in life. This applies to your career, to your personal life, to your day to day. I'm sure you don't have to think too hard to find a place where maybe you are trying to force something.
Things might have been different yesterday, things will be different tomorrow, but right now you are where you are supposed to be. It's okay if you're not a CSS-master or you ate a bowl of popcorn for breakfast—take that and iterate on it. Be patient, practice, be kind.
What's your mantra for this week?