CCC Student Connect -- SSCCC Monthly Newsletter NOVEMBER 2019![]() President's MessageWelcome to the first monthly SSCCC Newsletter— SSCCC Connect. This monthly newsletter is just one of the many changes that the SSCCC is implementing as we begin to prepare to receive the funds allocated in Assembly Bill 1504 (Medina). As the current president of the SSCCC, I look forward to moving the organization forward and building a strong foundation for future student leaders to advocate for issues that affect them. If you are not already involved with the SSCCC, we encourage you to become involved--participate in your region meetings, start a caucus, or even run for local region position! On behalf of the Board of Directors, we look forward to engaging many of you in regional activities. Respectfully, Danny Thirakul, SSCCC President Meet the SSCCC ExecutivesAs a first generation American, I am the first person in my family to attend college. I am currently enrolled at Sacramento City College majoring in Economics. Before becoming part of the SSCCC Board of Directors, I served as a Legislative Affairs Director for Region II and as the Student Trustee for the Los Rios Community College District. My passion is youth and student engagement and empowerment. During my term, I hope to showcase what the SSCCC can do when students work together and advocate as a single voice. I look forward to working with all of you to build a stronger foundation for future student leaders to advocate on issues of concern to students in higher education. ![]() Danny Thirakul ![]() Lawrence Su It has been a pleasure serving our California community college students through the SSCCC and very humbling to now come into another year of service as the Executive Vice President. If there is one thing I learned from the SSCCC and from student government at my home college, De Anza College, is that it takes a lot of effort and self-sacrifice if change is to take place. My dedication to transparency and accountability has always been a recurring theme throughout every role and position I hold because of my priceless value on trust. The trust from our students is sacred and should not be taken for granted. As your Executive Vice President, I thank you for entrusting me with this role. California community college students will no longer be neglected. They will be empowered. I am an international student at San Diego Miramar College . I am studying International Affairs with the hope to work with other future world leaders to provide both K-12 and higher education as free resources for everyone in all countries around the world. As the Vice President of Regional Affairs, my goal is that by working closely with the Board of Directors, Regional Executive Boards, delegates across the states, and other dedicated and inspiring student leaders, by the Spring 2020 General Assembly, we will have 100% participation from 115 California Community Colleges, ensuring that the voices of more than 2.1 million students are heard, the functions of SSCCC are operated at their maximum capacity, and student leadership is championed! ![]() Văn Đào Minh Anh ![]() Amine El Moznine I am honored to serve as your Vice President Legislative Affairs this year and to be able to continue the great work done with SSCCC. I'm currently in my second year at De Anza College, where I'm pursuing dual associate degrees in Political Science and Global Studies. I began as a Legislative Affairs Director last term and enjoyed it enough to join again this year. My major goals are to ensure the passage of strong legislation wherever possible, work to build sustainable grassroots advocacy at the regional level, and to transfer. I am studying at Santa Monica College and double-major in Business Administration and Public Policy. Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley is my dream institution for bachelor’s degree. Since 2017, after my internship completion at the United States, I decided to become a Chief Economist of United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. I hope to contribute to reducing the economic inequality around the world and create a sustainable economic growth model with environmental protection. As the Vice President of Finance, if you have any questions or concerns about our budget, finance code and policies, feel free to reach out to me. ![]() YongHa Hwang ![]() Ya'Mese Alijè Johnson I currently attend Merritt College in Oakland, California. My major is Communications. The major goal that I have in my life is to become a Congresswomen or be a policy changer in my hometown Oakland, California. To reach this goal, I hope to be accepted into my next school of choice Alabama State University and until I get to my Ph.D. in U.S. Foreign Law and Policy. As the Vice President of Communications, I would like to be a part of making progress for the SSCCC becoming more organized, outspoken, and most of all teaching more students that “Student Voices Hold Power”. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONAB 1504 (Medina): Student Representation Fee for Statewide Community College Student Organization If you have not heard -- Governor Newsom signed AB1504 (Medina) in October 2019. This legislative measure provides a stable funding source for the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC). As the official voice of the over 2.1 million California community college students, the SSCCC delegates in 2018 understood that to be an effective advocate for California community college students, we need a stable funding source. AB1504 provides new stable funding to build a strong and sustainable student organization--the SSCCC. We would like to thank the Chancellor's Office -- Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley and Vice-Chancellor Laura Metune, the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges, University of California Student Association, California State Student Association, TICAS, and of course you - the students - who used your voice via social media to advocate for the bill. The SSCCC understands the importance of this legislation and of the support of our partners. We hope that in the future there are many more opportunities to join our voices on behalf of students in higher education. ![]() One of the priorities for the SSCCC this year is to advocate for financial aid reform. SB291 (Leyva) is a step in this direction. This bill will create the California Community College Financial Aid Program and provide need-based financial aid to help students cover their total cost of attending college. However, we need your assistance in advocating for this important legislation. Here's how you can help:
Let's show legislators that "Student Voices Hold Power". Act now! SSCCC CAUCUSES The SSCCC is actively recruiting students to participate in its seven caucuses (Abled, Asian Pacific Islander, Black, LatinX, Spectrum, Student Trustee, Veteran, and Women). During the CCCSAA Student Leadership Conference this past month, the SSCCC caucuses were re-energized and will begin meeting in the next few months. If you are interested in participating in any of the caucuses, you can signup via the SSCCC website here. ![]() SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE AS AN LGBTQIA+ STUDENT We want to hear from you! At the upcoming 2nd CCC + LGBTQ+ Summit on November 23, 2019, the opening session will focus on the voices of LGBTQ+ community college students. The hosts are inviting students to speak briefly about their experiences as an LGBTQ+ student and/or also take part in a longer Q&A. Please fill out the form linked below to ensure that the voices of California community college students are heard Please complete the form by next week Tuesday, November 5th. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES We are seeking volunteers to serve on SSCCC Shared Governance Committees. This is your opportunity to serve at the state level without making an extensive commitment since some committees meet only two or three times a year. If you are interested in serving on any of the shared governance committees listed below, please visit the SSCCC website "Serving at the State Level" page to learn about the appointment process and to access the application.
Serving at the state level can be very rewarding. Consider serving today! SSCCC COMING TO YOU! An important goal this year for the SSCCC is to activate all the colleges within the regions and to visit as many California community colleges as possible. To this end, the SSCCC approved a budget for a regional representative to visit California community colleges. In addition, the SSCCC Board of Directors and Executive Board are holding meetings throughout the state. If you would like to have a visit from your regional representative or host the SSCCC Board of Directors or Executive Board meetings on your campus, please contact the SSCCC Interim Executive Director Julie Adams at This is a great opportunity to learn more about the SSCCC and to watch your student representatives in action. ![]() UPCOMING EVENTS