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Lutheran Media eNews

Welcome to Lutheran Media Outreach eNews

“Jesus sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” Luke 9:2

Thanks to you, Lutheran Media continues to reach out to more than 1,000,000 people every week. Many people have not heard the good news of Jesus Christ and what he means to them. Through radio, TV, and the internet – including social media – people are hearing the gospel and receiving hope. Thanks be to God that his word is reaching out through media and changing lives.

For you to use and share

“Thank you for the parenting booklets that you sent me. I appreciate all the work that you do.” Carina, NSW

Inside the latest edition of Lutheran Media News

Download the May edition of Lutheran Media News for your bulletins and newsletters by clicking the “Download News Here” button below.
The latest edition includes:

  • NEW eBook on Chronic Pain
  • Daily Devotions and Worship resources
  • Face to Face May program summary

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Thank You!

Thanks to your support, people are hearing the good news of Jesus Christ and his message of hope. Please pray for us and the people we are meeting through media.

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Thank you, your support is making a difference in people's lives.

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North Adelaide SA 5006

P: +61 (0)8 8267 7300
E: admin@lca.org.au
W: www.lca.org.au