No images? Click here 6 September 2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19): Additional changes to mandatory vaccination requirements in New South WalesThe NSW Government has announced additional changes to the mandatory vaccination requirements for disability workers who live or work in an area of concern. NSW Health has established priority vaccination appointments to support eligible disability workers to meet the requirements. Key points
Changes to mandatory vaccination requirementsAs advised in our provider alerts of 26 August 2021 and 28 August 2021, the NSW Government has mandated COVID-19 vaccination for disability workers who live or work in an area of concern. The date for compliance with the mandatory vaccination rule for disability workers who live or work in an area of concern has been extended. Disability workers who live or work in an area of concern now have until 9 September 2021 to either have at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine or to make an appointment to receive a COVID vaccine on or before 19 September 2021. Disability workers can leave their area of concern for work between 9 September and 19 September if the worker has an appointment to receive a COVID vaccine on or before 19 September. Evidence of the appointment must be carried and produced to an authorised officer on request. From 20 September 2021, disability workers will only be able to leave their local government area for work if they have:
Further details about the COVID-19 vaccination requirements for workers is available on the NSW Government website. Please ensure that you and your workers understand what these mandatory requirements are, and how they affect the supports and services you deliver. Encourage your workers to arrange a vaccination or contraindication certificate, as relevant. Priority COVID-19 vaccination for eligible disability workersNSW Health has established priority Pfizer vaccination to support eligible workers to meet the new requirements. Information on how to book is available on the NSW Government website. NDIS Commission COVID-19 vaccination information and resourcesThe COVID-19 vaccine information webpage on our website contains links to updates about COVID-19 vaccines and resources for NDIS providers. We also have a COVID-19 vaccine webpage containing information for people with disability. Contact usCall: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines). Our contact centre is open 9.00am to 5.00pm (9.00am to 4.30pm in the NT), Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. Email: Website: General Enquiries1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) Our contact centre is open 9.00am to 5.00pm (9.00am to 4.30pm in the NT) Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. To provide feedback, contact the NDIS Commission by emailing |