![]() Friday 8 May 2020 Hon. Minister Nanaia Mahuta SUBJECT: MAORI INTERESTS IN GEOGRAPHIC INDICATORS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Te Minita, e te hoa rangatira, tena koe Tuatahi, kā huri atu ki te korero whakatauki hoki o tena o tatou Rangatira Pāpā a Uncle Api, te hoa-Rangatira o tō Pāpā, me kī: Noku te whenua, kei a au te korero, In these trying times of COVID-19, our whanau across the motu are doing it hard! I commend to you the attached analysis on geographic indicators and the wider issues of intellectual property in respect of our Maori interests. The analysis is future-focused as we collectively contemplate a way out of lockdown and towards a more resilient future for our mokopuna off the back of a new ‘smart and collective Maori economy’. The analysis is set against a backdrop of longstanding issues raised by our people that must be addressed and proposes a practical way forward over the immediate, medium and longer term. I extend to you Minister the offer that our Te Taumata with our technical team and expert Maori Peer Review Panel will meet with you immediately to take the time to personally walk you through this important piece of work for our whanau. Kia ora and kindest regards, Chris Karamea Insley |