June 2021 As many of our students transfer to four-year universities beginning in fall, the Chancellor's Office held a webinar on June 2nd to celebrate their journey and wish them well. Joined by the SSCCC President Stephen Kodur, Deputy Director Dr. Daisy Gonzales and Student Board of Governors Member Iulia Tarasova engaged student leaders in a series of questions to understand their challenges this past year. The student leaders shared their accomplishments and their opinions about how to improve the transfer experience. Dr. Julie Adams, the SSCCC Executive Director, provided the concluding thoughts. She challenged the California community college system to continue to create meaningful change in the California Community College system to the benefit of all students and their success and to promise to put students at the center of the system's decisions – not just “saying” they are center and that college administrators know best about their needs but instead giving them space, place, and voice to participate in the governance of our colleges—really giving them a seat at the table. This is the only way the community college system can truly design with the student in mind. You can find the archived celebration at this link. The SSCCC has partnered with the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC), representing the faculty at the state level, on an article about Academic Senates and Student Governments working together. The article Academic and Student Governments: A Critical Partnership provides advice to both groups about how important it is for faculty and students to work together in participatory governance. We highly suggest you share this article with your local faculty senates and discuss how student government and faculty local senates can work together on student issues. Volunteers NeededThe Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) is requesting your participation in statewide service. Each year, the SSCCC appoints student representatives to over 30 participatory governance groups. You can find a list of the current group on our website at this link. We are looking for California community college students who represent the full population of California community colleges including all ethnicities, ages, regions, abilities, and who are passionate about student issues and concerns. This year we are pleased to announce that students serving on statewide groups will receive a stipend. For more information, please check out the committee appointment process on our website. SSCCC Fun FactsDid you know that prior to Covid-19, the SSCCC Executive Committee and Board of Directors would meet in person on a local college campus? if you're interested in hosting a meeting on your campus as we begin to open up California, please email Dr. Julie Adams at jadams@studentsenateccc.org. UPCOMING EVENTSExecutive Committee and Board Meetings
More meeting dates will be available after July 17, 2021. All SSCCC Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings are available via teleconference. Events
Region and Caucus MeetingsCheck out all the SSCCC events including Regional Meetings, caucuses, and webinars on the SSCCC Calendar. Check out the calendar on the SSCCC website (link above) for the agendas and call information at least 72-hours prior to the meeting. |