How this will change the experience for units and patients
Continuous matching will lead to several changes for transplanting units. The most important is that donor and recipient pairs can be matched as soon as they are entered and made active in the program. Therefore, if a pair is ready to be transplanted then they should be entered as soon as possible.
This also means that we might contact units with an offer of a match at any time. At times we now offer chains in parts to determine whether certain matches are accepted before continuing. Due to this it is important that
units review offers and inform us of their decisions as quickly as they can.
In order to make this process practical we will now request that units provide us with an answer regarding whether they wish to accept an offer from a medical and immunological perspective within 48 hours. A decision regarding surgical acceptance is requested within 1 week, to allow review of donor imaging studies.
We are now also hoping to book surgical dates sooner after matches are offered. Where possible we will try to book these within 4-8 weeks from the date of the offer.