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HEARTLAND - eNews from LCA Bishop John Henderson

23 September 2016

Dear Friends,

Our brothers and sisters in Catholic Church’s Marriage and Family Council have invited Catholic parishes around Australia to take part in a “Month of Prayer and Fasting for Marriage and Families” during October. Their promotional poster says:

Scripture and the Church’s history give us many examples of the great impact when a whole community undertakes prayer and fasting together.

Join us for a month of prayer and fasting to be held in parishes, schools and homes across the nation during the month of October 2016.

We hope that in this time of national conversation on the subject of marriage we can encourage all to pray for the well-being of marriages and families, and in particular for people who are same-sex attracted or gender questioning. We also pray for a respectful national discussion on marriage.

Lutheran pastor in Wollongong Simon Mackenzie first brought the Catholics’ plan to my attention. It’s always good to pray for marriage and families but it’s especially appropriate right now in light of the same-sex marriage debate. With permission from Catholic Bishop of Armidale Michael Kennedy, Pastor Simon adapted the prayers from the ones recommended for use in Catholic parishes. Each Sunday’s prayer focus is slightly different.

  • On Sunday 2 October and the following week we pray for the flourishing of marriages and families in Australia.
  • On Sunday 9 October and the following week we pray for the strengthening of marriages and families that are beset by troubles.
  • On Sunday 16 October and the following week we pray for all persons who experience same-sex attraction and gender uncertainty and their families.
  • On Sunday 23 October and the following week we pray for a respectful and fair national discussion on marriage.

From the next week the four prayers will be available from the LCA Worship Planning Page for each of those Sundays.

The four prayers adapted by Pastor Simon Mackenzie:

Sunday 2 October

Today and throughout this week we pray for all marriages and families in Australia.

Heavenly Father, grant that our families may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Make us ever more mindful of the sacredness and beauty of the family in God’s plan of creation for all people.

Sunday 9 October

Today and throughout this week we pray for all families in distress.

Heavenly Father, grant healing to all families in distress, especially those burdened with strained relationships. Draw close to all families who have experienced violence, upheaval, illness or division: May all who have been wounded find ready comfort and healing in Your Word which brings wholeness, comfort and peace.

Sunday 16 October

Today and throughout this week we pray for all persons who experience same sex attraction or gender uncertainty and their families.

Heavenly Father, grant Your peace and joy to our family members and friends who experience same sex attraction or gender uncertainty. May we be sensitive and supportive of all people who suffer with issues of identity, especially in times of trial. By the power of your Holy Spirit draw us into a deeper relationship with Your Son, Jesus, in whose identity we have been named as Your children.

Sunday 23 October

Today and throughout this week we pray for the national discussion on marriage.

Lord God and Heavenly Father, grant that all Australians may show mutual respect for one another as we prepare for a national people’s vote. Guide the hearts and minds of all who vote so that our nation may uphold your plan for marriage and families as the greatest good for all people.

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