June 2014
To our customers, staff and friends –
I am especially pleased to forward to you Emterra’s second quarter ‘Terra Notes e-newsletter.
While this has been a particularly busy three months, it has been very satisfying because the Emterra team has been spending time on some of our favourite and most cherished projects in our Community Care program. We recently enjoyed a delightful morning with Niagara Region Chair Gary Burroughs and folks from Niagara Health Systems OneFoundation to deliver a cheque for $44,000 to support cancer treatment in Niagara.
Plus Emterra staff in Winnipeg got to hang out with Pat Krawec of the Winnipeg Repair Education and Cycling Hub (WRENCH) and some of the youngsters who are part of WRENCH’s ‘Earn-a-Bike’ program. Pat and his staff teach volunteers and kids how to repair and restore discarded bicycles. Then they see to it that the kids who can’t afford a helmet get a shiny new one along with the bike they’ve repaired themselves. What can be better than financially helping an organization that empowers youngsters so they can experience the joy of riding a bike all summer!
On the business front, we have been concentrating on significant upgrades to several of our recycling processing facilities in BC to increase capacity and improve flexibility in managing the volume of materials expected to be collected under the Multi-Material British Columbia packaging and printed paper recycling program and as businesses increasingly demand more options for waste diversion. Finally we are delighted to welcome new and returning municipal customers in Michigan and Ontario.
There’s a lot more happening at Emterra, so we hope you’ll spend a few minutes with us catching up on the news. As always, Paulina, Vivian and I thank you for your business and fellowship. To our staff, we thank you for your ongoing commitment to service excellence both within and outside of our organization. We wish everyone a warm and wonderful summer.
Emmie Leung, CEO and Founder