Level 2 – almost there! The move to Level 2 outside of Auckland is great news, but we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that Auckland is still at Level 4 with it's accompanying economic impacts. In this newsletter we will cover:
Wage Subsidy Eligibility at Level 2 Join our Business advisory Partner, Jamie Reidie, live on Facebook tomorrow at 2:00 as he discusses the wage subsidy and eligibility at Level 2. As a bonus, he will also discuss the question of opening for business under Level 2 and your true break even. If you have any questions around the wage subsidy, or have not applied yet, please contact your Manager or Partner urgently. We are in the Office We are back in our offices on Moray Place and “open for business”. We are happy to continue to use Zoom for meetings, but if you want to meet face to face please feel free to make an appointment. We are discouraging people from just “popping in” as we look to keep track of who is in the building and the number of people in each space – so please make an appointment. Please wear a mask when you come into the office and scan/sign in at reception Back at Work! The move to Level 2 outside of Auckland has seen the return of many businesses to the workplace. There are some new rules around masks and social distancing, especially in hospitality, that need to be adopted by businesses. In our last newsletter, we discussed working at Level 3 and making changes in the workplace that are equally applicable at Level 2. In the video below Lisa, from our HR team, discusses working at Level 3 and vaccines. Please feel free to contact Lisa or Karen from our HR Team if you have any questions. ______________________ Stay safe and keep in touch. Kind regards Polson Higgs Team You have received this email because you are subscribed to Polson Higgs mailing list. |