EWA is pleased to announce the results of the EWA annual elections for the period 2020 – 2022, we welcome all the successful candidates and are looking forward to their and the current elected committee members vision for the Sport committees into the future.
The Sport committees of Dressage, Eventing, Jumping and Show Horse are all calling for Expressions of Interest to fill a number of appointed committee positions, and these are annual appointments and open to any EWA member to apply. (Except Recreational membership).
Click here to read full article
This is a PSA: You’re in danger of missing out as tickets are going fast!

2019 Equestrian WA Awards Night

If you know someone that deserves recognition for their success or contribution to the WA equestrian community, nominate them for an Award and they could be selected as one of the finalists recognised at the Equestrian Western Australia Awards Night being held 7 February 2020.
Nominations close 11:45 pm, 08 December 2019.
For information on the selection process, selection panel and award categories, please refer to the EWA Annual Awards Policy (pdf).


We are pleased to announce Horseland (Midland, Bunbury, Kelmscott and & Perth) as sponsor of the "Coach of the Year" award, Paddock Property as a sponsor of the "Volunteer of the Year" award, and NewTrend as sponsor of the "Club of the Year: award at 2019 Equestrian WA Awards Night. We are also seeking Expressions of Interest for a naming rights sponsor of the evening.
If you are interested to be a naming rights sponsor or to sponsor an award, please contact, marketing@equestrianwa.org.au

We would like to invite all professional videographers to submit their interest to film eight (8) three-minute clips of eight award nominees for the 2019 EWA Awards Night, between mid-December 2019 to mid-January 2020.
The videographers will be required to possess their own workspace and equipment. The videographer is also expected to travel around the metro area to meet and film the candidates.
The Expression of Interest should include a statement detailing suitability for the role and any relevant experience in the field. The suggested hourly rate, together with a statement of availability, should also be included.
The Expression of Interest is to be sent via email to marketing@equestrianwa.org.au by Friday 6th December 2019.

We kindly ask all of the 2018 perpetual trophy winners to please return the trophies to our office as soon as possible in readiness for the 2019 Awards ceremony.

Marcus Oldham College has announced three new scholarships in Equine Management to help open up exciting career pathways for graduates, over a cross-section of equine industries.
Marcus Oldham’s Diploma of Equine Management is a one-year course, internationally recognised by major sectors of the horse industry and aims to equip students with the practical husbandry and business skills necessary for a successful career in the equine industry.
Click here to read more


EWA and Off the Track WA are excited to be working together to present a series of events and clinics across the metro and regional areas specifically for off the track horses in the coming months. The first of these will be held on Saturday 14 December at the State Equestrian Centre offering lessons in flatwork, ground work and jumping with EA Accredited coaches as well as a lecture “From Racehorse To Riding Horse” with equine behaviour expert Jonathon McLean.
What horses are eligible to participate in this initiative?
All horses participating need to be registered with the Australian Stud Book. Both name and unnamed horses are welcome but unnamed horses will need to provide either brands or a microchip number when registering to verify identification
How much does it cost to participate in the clinic or events?
There is a nomination fee of $25 per rider which enables the rider to up to four lessons/classes (maximum of two lessons per horse).
Do participants need to be an EWA member?
No, the clinic is open to all equestrians however a minimum recreational membership is recommended for personal accident insurance.
Where can I register to attend an event or clinic?
Registrations will be available online at www.nominate.com.au approximately four weeks prior to each clinic or event. Pre-registrations are essential.
Event or clinic enquiries: Sara Botten 08 9296 1200 Sarabotten@equestrianwa.org.au
Off the Track enquiries: Suzy Jackson 08 9445 5371 offthetrackwa@rwwa.com.au
There has been a great deal of interest in the first national safety conference on equestrian sport organised by Pony Club Australia.
Registrations are now open for the conference, to be held in Melbourne on Saturday February 1, 2020.
Designed for all those involved in equestrian sports - decision makers, coaches, officials and participants, the attendees will have the chance to hear from some of the top experts in the fields of rider and workplace safety and horse welfare.
Attendees will also be able hear about current research and learn what safety changes are being made already or are in the pipeline.
Click here to read full article
Please note that the submission for the 2020 event dates are due NOW, and to be e-mailed to Meredith Tenger at members@equestrianwa.org.au