UDIA WA welcomed the State Government’s draft Medium Density Residential Housing Code No images? Click here ![]() MEDIUM DENSITY DESIGN CODE WELCOMEDThe Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA WA) welcomed the long-anticipated launch of the State Government’s draft Medium Density Residential Housing Code, presented by Premier Mark McGowan at UDIA WA’s industry luncheon at Crown today. The Code, which is out for comment until April 2021, will provide a policy framework for the delivery of medium density housing in Western Australia. “The delivery of medium density housing, particularly in infill areas, has long been the topic of controversy due to some of the poorer outcomes we have seen in the past,” UDIA WA CEO Tanya Steinbeck said. “Many of the less desirable outcomes, such as villas squashed onto small lots with little natural vegetation or space in between, have been driven by some opportunistic developers looking to maximise profit at the cost of the character of the local neighbourhood,” Ms Steinbeck said. “However, it is important to understand that there are many fantastic examples of medium density done well and many places where quality infill projects have added immensely to the local area in respect to housing choice, vibrancy and amenity,” Ms Steinbeck said. “I know many UDIA WA members who do an excellent job with the integrated build out of medium density over a streetscape, carefully considering garden elements and integration with the local neighbourhood,” Ms Steinbeck said. “These are the types of projects that need to be encouraged and facilitated via a clear government policy framework,” Ms Steinbeck said. “We hope the new policy recognises the value and benefits of the fantastic integrated build outs that our members deliver and that this innovation and quality is supported and facilitated by the new policy,” Ms Steinbeck said. “As an industry, we have been seeking greater certainty and clarity around the design and delivery of medium density housing for many years,” Ms Steinbeck said. “We hope the final policy will ensure the delivery of quality outcomes for local communities while providing a clear framework for the development industry to operate within,” Ms Steinbeck said. “The biggest lesson we learnt from the release of the apartment code last year was that the feasibility analysis and design testing that sits behind and informs the policy must be released at the same time in order to allow industry to understand the metrics that have led to this policy,” Ms Steinbeck said. “Our population is changing and diversifying,” Ms Steinbeck said. “Many people want the opportunity to age in place and find a home that suits their needs at various stages of life.” “Medium density fills that gap between larger, single family homes and higher density apartments,” Ms Steinbeck said. “UDIA WA looks forward to providing constructive feedback on the draft policy in the coming months,” Ms Steinbeck said. Increasing housing choice and finalising the medium density code is a key element of the State Election campaign that UDIA WA launched directly to the Premier Mark McGowan today. To find out more about UDIA WA’s #liveworkinvestWA campaign, visit here: https://www.udiawa.com.au/state-election/ Ends. Contact: |