A Pandemic Business Meeting
Nothing like setting the kind of records we never wanted to set! But on Monday evening, February 8, 7 o'clock, our Pioneer Family will mark its first virtual/Zoom/electronic business meeting. In history.
And to mark the occasion we're featuring a
series of short video reports to capture life and ministry in the midst of this pandemic these past eleven months—and I hope you'll appreciate and be inspired by them.
But aren't business meetings traditionally the gathering of a congregation's members to review the work of the church board over the previous months? They are. And don’t they usually focus on financial and membership matters? They do. So what's so exciting and essential about that!
I'm not sure I would use the word
"exciting"—but "essential" certainly fits. After all, the church board sits as a circle of representative leaders from the various Pioneer ministries who gather throughout the year to oversee the administration of church life. But in two major domains—church finances and church membership—the congregation at large exercises specific and final decision-making leadership.
That's why the church board is submitting to our Pioneer Family at this business meeting its recommendations regarding the financial management of Pioneer (via the 2020 financial yearend report and 2021 church operating budget both shaped by the Finance Committee) and the membership
request/actions (reviewed by the board over previous months and passed on to the congregation for final decisions).
But how can a congregation vote on Zoom? Thankfully Zoom has a built-in polling feature we will take advantage of, so have your mouse or pointing finger ready to vote!
But where on Zoom are we going to gather? Later this week every member of the Pioneer Memorial Church will receive an email providing online or telephone links to our Monday evening business session. It's that
So I hope you will help us make history (perhaps in more ways than one!) this Monday, 7:00 PM—and join your Pioneer Family in doing the work of Jesus who declared (in the only place in all four Gospels where the word "church" appears): "'On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it'" (Matthew 16:18, emphasis supplied).
Good news—the church we belong to belongs to
—Dwight K. Nelson, Lead Pastor