![]() Organizational Accomplishments - Danny Thirakul, President The Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) is strong! Last year’s Board of Directors set the SSCCC on a path of sustainability with a business plan, draft strategic plan, and introduced legislation to fund the SSCCC. The 2019 – 20 SSCCC Board of Directors continued strengthening the organization. This State of the Senate would have been provided by the SSCCC Executives at the recent General Assembly. However, since the General Assembly was held online, we provide this State of the Senate electronically. Overall accomplishments are:
![]() Resolutions Process - Lawrence Su, Vice President The SSCCC Board of Directors began the year with a review of the adopted resolutions from past years, reclassified their dispositions, determined their feasibility, and drafted their action plans. Out of 82 resolutions dating back to Spring 2017, we completed or found infeasible 27 resolutions, we re-assigned 33 resolutions, and we continued to support the positions of 22 resolutions. In addition, the Board of Directors developed a new way of handling resolutions. Many resolutions encouraged the SSCCC to urge associated student bodies, the Board of Trustees or colleges to take action. While these resolutions are within the purview of the SSCCC, they require passive action such as communicating the position of the SSCCC. Rather than send individual correspondence to the colleges, the SSCCC will communicate positions via newsletter or local communication through local associated student bodies. Part of our crusade of condensing and clarifying policies and procedures was the flawed and outdated Resolution Procedures that, now in its current form, will make the resolution process more comprehensible. We prepared the 2020 Resolutions Packet that had a total of 26 resolutions for the Delegate Assembly to review with 23 resolutions adopted at the 2020 General Assembly. Those 23 resolutions will be part of the work that the SSCCC works tirelessly on, making sure that we are serving our California Community College students to the best of our capacity. This year you can now find the SSCCC resolutions on our website in the newly developed Resolution Repository. You can now search the resolutions by year or keyword. We will continue to build this repository by adding past resolutions so that we can begin to capture the SSCCC's past positions. ![]() Regional Affairs - Van Dao Minh Anh, Vice President of Regional Affairs The SSCCC Regional Affairs Committee worked tirelessly to ensure delegate representation from the 114 colleges, as well as, implement assigned resolutions, produced materials to strengthen institutional sustainability, and host webinars to assist delegates and regional officers in their roles. Some of the accomplishments include:
![]() Legislative Affairs - Amine El Moznine, Vice President of Legislative Affairs The Legislative Affairs Committee worked through the legislative process to advance student concerns, empower the student's voice, and advocate for strong legislation that will help students in higher education and throughout the state. The SSCCC sponsored the following three pieces of legislation this year:
The SSCCC also co-sponsored AB 2884 (Berman) with the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges. This bill provides that California State Lottery revenue funds be allocated to California community colleges. We also are co-sponsoring SB1232 (Glazer) with the University of California Student Association. This bill provides a standard allowance of $250 - $500 to CalWORKS eligible students participating in higher education. This year, the SSCCC also engaged in budget advocacy for the first time. The Legislative Affairs Committee created resources to advocate for increased investments in mental health funding and incarcerated students—both current and formerly. The Legislative Affairs Committee has communicated student concerns through coalitions, legislative hearings, and legislative advocacy at both a state and local level. Through these efforts, the Legislative Affairs Committee strengthened the SSCCC relationships in the Capitol and beyond, created and disseminated resources to aid local advocacy, and helped build coalitions that will continue to empower students across the state well beyond the end of this term. ![]() Finances - Yongha Hwang, Vice President of Finance In April 2021, the SSCCC will receive funding from the Student Representation Fee (SRF) because of the passage of AB 1504 (Medina). In preparation for this increased funding, the SSCCC has begun to reorganize the fiscal internal structure. First, the Finance Committee was split into three committees: Board Finance Committee, Regional Finance, and Fundraising Committee, and the Audit Committee. Each of these committees has different responsibilities in planning and guiding the finances of the organization. Second, the Finance and Fundraising Committee developed a fundraising policy "to provide a concise process to seek donations and other funds to provide additional resources for regions." Finally, the SSCCC Board of Directors adopted accounting policy and procedures, which will provide the staff, accountants, and auditors with processes that will be used in documenting the SSCCC finances. ![]() Communications – Ya’Mese Alijé Johnson, Vice President of Communications The Communications Committee developed a Communications Strategy Plan to aid the organization in establishing consistent messaging to engage students in the work of the SSCCC. The plan provides strategies for using the SSCCC website, listservs, and social media platforms. A Content Calendar was implemented to track announcements, social media posts, and listserv messaging. The Content Calendar has helped the Communications Committee provide the organization with a larger social media footprint. Now that a Communication Strategy is in place, the Communications Committee has begun to develop a Branding Guide, which will give a consistent look and feel to the messaging including social media posts, correspondence, and videos. Watch for more next year! |