September 2, 2020
Dear Students, Parents, Faculty, and Staff:
This letter is a reminder that dining services will be different this year. All lunches must be pre-ordered by logging into your MySchool dining account. Instructions on how to pre-order may be found on the MySchoolAccount website. You may pre-order up until 4:00 a.m. on the day the lunch will be served. Your MySchool dining account will be charged after you complete your order. We are not able to provide a refund if you do not pick up your lunch. You do not have to pre-order snacks for morning break.
Variety will be limited to accommodate pre-ordering and to reduce congestion in the dining room. In addition, the toaster and microwave ovens will not be available for use.
You are welcome to bring lunch or snacks from home. There is a refrigerator to store food brought from home. All items stored in the refrigerator must be wrapped, or in a sealed container. Please remember that all classrooms in the Lower School and Toddler House must be completely nut-free.
If you are new to NYA, you will find instructions to set up your MySchool dining account on the Student Dining Services Accounts tab on our website. By separate email, you will receive your MySchoolAccount ID number. You will need the ID number to complete the set-up of your account.
We look forward to your return to campus.
Garrett Bowne
Chief Financial Officer