Knowledge Exchange Newsletter December 2014 No Images? Click here

Knowledge Exchange news

Welcome to our new Knowledge Exchange (KE) newsletter. KE is a initiative of DEFF (Denmark), DFG (Germany), SURF (Netherlands), Jisc (United Kingdom) and CSC (Finland) to support the use of ICT within higher education and research.

Purpose of Knowledge Exchange is to exchange knowledge, build expert networks and cooperate between partners, with special focus on Research Data and Open Access and an open eye for emerging opportunities to enhance and support an open higher education and research infrastructure.

In 2014 we moved our office to Bristol, UK (see our new contact details at the end of the newsletter) and we will now be back to informing you of relevant reports, studies and other outcomes on a more regular basis via the KE Newsletter.


Latest Publication

Research Data: Incentives and Motivations for Sharing Research Data


The study ‘Sowing the seed, Incentives and Motivations for Sharing Research Data, a Researcher’s Perspective’ has gathered evidence, examples and opinions on current and future incentives for research data sharing from the researchers’ point of view, and provides recommendations for policy and practice development for several stakeholder groups on how best to incentivise data access and reuse.


Other Recent Outcomes


Digitisation and OCR: Snapshot of Digitisation and OCR development

A synthesis of outcomes from a questionnaire on developments in Digitisation and OCR has been put to together in ‘A Snapshot of digitisation and OCR developments’. The synthesis is based on a small, not representative, number of organisations within the KE partner countries and provides an indication of perceived responsibilities, financial issues, use of standards, future challenges and more.

Open Access: Report on workshop Sustainable Business Models for Open Access Services

The report summarises the findings from work done by KE in the past year. Attended by over fifty participants, representing Open Access service providers, IT-infrastructure and research funders, and users, conclusions and recommendations of past work were made actionable.                       


Research Tools: How Research Tools are of Value to Research: Use Cases and Recommendations

An extended list and analysis of current Use Cases of Research Tools is available. Tools and usage are explained and their value assessed in an attractive easy-to-capture format. An additional analysis identifies how effective research infrastructure development can optimally benefit from research tools.


Open Access: the OA Sustainability Index

A useful tool for directors and managers of an organisation to identify essential skills or business-related activities required to run a sustainable OA-ready organisation. The index highlights essential conditions and depending on the state of development of the service points at business and financial skills and advises on aspects that influence successful, sustainable open access service provision.

Interoperability Standards: Authority Files

In this publication experts explain the beneficial value of Authority Files with regards to discovery, trust, reliability, accountability and transactional efficiency, for knowledge creation.


On behalf of the Knowledge Exchange team,

Bas Cordewener, KE coordinator


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