The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church

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Pastor's Blog

Now That We Know Who's Running For President – What Next?

Months ago (it seems like years now, doesn’t it?) when Ben Carson announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for President, the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists released the following statement: “While individual church members are free to support or oppose any candidate for office as they see fit, it is crucial that the Church as an institution remain neutral on all candidates for office. Care should be taken that the pulpit and all church property remain a neutral space when it comes to elections. Church employees must also exercise extreme care not to express views in their denominational capacity about any candidate for office, including Dr. Carson” (NAD/Michigan Conference email 5-4-15). The fact that Dr. Carson is a practicing Seventh-day Adventist no doubt necessitated this official ecclesiastical pronouncement. more

by Dwight K. Nelson, Lead Pastor


Feature Announcement

Join a GROW Group

Summer GROW Groups are here! Take this opportunity to invite friends from church, your neighborhood, or work to join you while connecting with God in a safe and fun environment. There is a GROW group for everyone!

Summer 2016 GROW Group Catalog


Feature Announcement

RMES Annual Garage Sale

Volunteers and donations needed. Please bring your donations to the Ruth Murdoch school gymnasium starting May 29. Donated items may include clothing, shoes, books, toys, kitchenware, arts and crafts, lawn care, furniture, appliances, and much more! For questions call 269.471.3220.


Church Offering

This Sabbath, June 11, the church offering goes to fund the World Budget.