Dear AJFC Members, Family and Friends

This season our new and loyal volunteers have stepped up to the challenge of contributing to the running of the club which now boasts 1,055 players across 80 teams. It's been truly fantastic to see teams turning up an hour before kick off at Campbell Park on Saturday and Sunday mornings, setting up their field and taking ownership of the match. Below you will read more about a few of our super volunteers.  

Thank you to Canada Bay Club for being our major sponsor and thank you to our latest partner in football and new additional sponsor of our Under 6s and Under 7s, Abbotsford Family Pharmacy.  Thank you also to Hon Craig Laundy MP for kicking off the season for us at Campbell Park last month and presenting the club with $20,000 as part of the Federal Government's Stronger Communities Programme.  

It was an absolute honour to represent AJFC last Monday night at the City of Canada Bay's 2016 Sustainability Awards, recognising economic, social and environmental sustainability achievements within our community. We were nominated and awarded a Business and Community Group Recognition Award for 50 years of service in the community.      

The recent success of Leicester City in the English Premier League for me magnified what football is all about. With the right club culture coupled with increasing momentum, things which seem impossible can actually be achieved. We are at a very exciting time at the club. We are building on our recent achievements in increasing member growth and service development. Our key stakeholders including the Council, State and Federal Governments; and sponsors are all in tune with our ambitions future plans.

Look out for our upcoming ads for new roles we are looking to fill over the coming weeks. 

Enjoy the football!


Yours sincerely

Gilbert Lorquet, President