Congratulations to the finalists and winners of the 2015 Queensland Outdoor Recreation Awards. Thank you to those who nominated the very worthy finalists for these awards. Thanks to those who attended a terrific evening at a beautiful venue and my thanks also to the sponsors of the evening – Queensland Government, Brisbane City Council, K2 Basecamp, Riverlife Brisbane and Nature Play QLD. As you will see below, the winners of the 2015 awards came from across the state and represented a wide range of outdoor
recreation pursuits - from blue-water sailing, cycling, outdoor education and a forest school, scouting and PCYC, adventure racing, mountain biking, through to off-road motorcycling. We also had a local government winner and a state government winner in one category. As you might expect, a massive amount of work goes into our awards evening, and it was very pleasing to see our guests enjoying themselves. My deepest thanks to the QORF staff, particularly Mark Squires and Nicole Martin, who ensured that the evening went so well. Also, thanks to the QORF Management Committee who handled the difficult task of judging the awards with aplomb. As our Master of Ceremonies, Murray Stewart showed that
he may or may not have a career in stand-up comedy. While wary of singling out award recipients, it would be remiss of me not to highlight Donna Little’s public recognition as a Life Member of QORF on Friday evening – an honour which was approved at the QORF AGM in March 2015. This ceremony wasn’t a secret or a surprise, but it represented a very special moment for our organisation.