You are scheduled to receive the regular monthly S.T.O.R.M. Report this week. But, as your inbox has made you all too aware, our focus this past month has been on the trio of hurricanes that impacted OP churches within a 3-week period. This occurred just as the summer short-term missions season was ending.
Consequently, at a time when we would normally be wrapping up our reports on summer short-term missions, the latest nine issues of the S.T.O.R.M. Report have been about hurricanes, came out within one month, and were published as Special Editions under our Disaster Relief banner!
And yet, this is as good a time as any for us to be reminded that Disaster Response is, in fact, a
special form of Short-Term Missions! In Disaster Response, we are granted the wonderful opportunity of ministering to our brothers and sisters who are going through a time of crisis, and demonstrating compassion and kindness to those with whom we have no relationship other than that they are our neighbors. Showing Christian love to our neighbors at a time of great need, doing work that needs to be done, and blessing them beyond what they thought possible, provides a unique opening for sharing with them the hope that lives in us, even as they question why we would do this. Now, that is short-term missions, isn’t it!
Lord-willing, in October we will present a full S.T.O.R.M. Report reviewing summer short-term missions activities.
But for now,
we can't help but keep your attention on the ongoing need for volunteers to serve on a short-term basis in Houston, Florida, and Puerto Rico, in response to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria.
In conclusion, as you make plans for the coming year and even for next summer, please consider how you might use your energies and skills to participate on a short-term basis in this important ministry of mercy in the OPC. Disaster Response is a special form of short-term missions!