- Women of NATE Committee Member Sheri O'Dell-Deuer Introduction
- Special Feature - Mentorship: Christy Hall
- WON Profile: Lisa Johnston, World Tower, Inc.
- Where will you find the Women of NATE?
- Upcoming Events
- Recent Event Highlights
- Featured Article - Mentoring for the Next Generation’s Success
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January 6, 2021 Women of NATE Today Newsletter
Volume 3, Issue 1No New Year has ever been more welcome than 2021. The challenges and stresses of 2020 will not magically disappear with the change of a digit. Those changes will start with us! What inspires you to overcome the challenges and reach your goal? Is it a quote, a thought or a person that inspires you to succeed? It fills you with passion and drive to get things done. Inspiration can be a powerful motivational tool. In order to reach your dreams or goals, you need to push through your limits and beyond your comfort zone. “Every challenge you face today makes you stronger tomorrow. The challenge of life is intended to make you better, not
bitter.” That has been my personal motto, it is my way of reminding myself to push and not settle for average. When you are facing your limits and you feel resistance, it can seem hard to overcome. But just by pushing yourself a little harder, you can accomplish great things. The funny thing is that once you do, you can look back and wonder why you ever thought it was that difficult to begin with. Do not let limits stop you from doing anything. Whatever your goals are, there are others who have had them and succeeded in reaching them. Look to them for guidance on what they did to push past
their limits on their way to success. We as individuals are kind, independent, respectful, intelligent, leaders. As a group we will raise to any challenge because we are the WOMEN OF NATE! Join Women of NATE (WON) for a Fireside Chat! Grab your coffee, hot chocolate, or glass of wine, snacks and comfortable clothes, and join us for an hour of laughter, stories, and support. This webinar will be hosted by Women of NATE and will feature WON members Andy Page Lee and Kathy Stieler as speakers. The Fireside Chat will enlighten you on:
1. How to do more for yourself – exercise, take time off, do things that make you smile and laugh.
2. How to connect – use your networks and support each other.
3. How to commit to putting yourself on your calendar in 2021.
4. You matter and you are worth it – share your story. Register now for the WON Fireside Chat! Sheri O'Dell-Deuer is a member of the Women of NATE Committee and the VP of Training for TUF-TUG Products, Deuer Development in Moraine, Ohio. She can be reached at sheri@tuf-tug.com.
Special Feature - Mentorship: Christy Hall
As long as I can remember, I have heard the saying “Hindsight is 2020”. But for the first and only time, we can actually say it and it be true! Figuratively and literally. What a year it was. I do not want to forget it happened. I learned from it and grew from the experience. I am happy to look at it in the rearview mirror. It is hindsight. Now is a perfect opportunity to take what you’ve learned and ask yourself, “What do I want to accomplish in 2021?” “What kind of person do I want to be?” I am not talking about the typical New Year’s resolutions. The ones that start on New Year’s Day and end before the FBS names a champion. (By the way in case there are inquiring minds who want to know, FBS stands for Football Bowl
Subdivision. Four teams play football and then there were two.…I digress.) Anyway, back to goals. Goals are good. They propel us to reach higher and dig deeper to make the changes we desire so we can accomplish the things we want to do. Sounds easy enough, but I have fallen short in this endeavor more often than not. I tried something new for 2021. I created my first vision board. It was enlightening, exciting, and satisfying. It enabled me to envision and then document the year I want for myself. It was a great experience. If you are not familiar with vision boards, there is a lot of information on Pinterest, Google and other types of media. Here is a photo of MY vision board.
There is no right or wrong way to create a vision board. It belongs to you and only you. It represents your goals, your dreams, your passions. The idea is to display the vision board in a prominent place, so you literally keep your eyes on the “prize”. YOU are the prize! Speaking of a better you…one of the items you see on my board is Mentoring. You can find many definitions of Mentoring. But this is my favorite. ‘Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximize their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be.’ Many of you do know and many of you may not Women of NATE has a Mentoring Program. We invite you to be a part of it. We have some of the most amazing people in this industry. If you want to share knowledge, support, and encourage others, become a mentor. New to the industry, landed a new position or just aspire to learn and broaden your skills? Being a mentee is an excellent opportunity to learn and become that person you want to be. In March, the program will start its third year. From Rebecca....I just wanted to express my thanks to you and the mentorship program for connecting me with my mentor. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her and it has been helpful to learn from her and chat with another woman in the field. From Jennifer….I've had a very rewarding mentorship experience with my mentor and I've gained a great deal of knowledge from it. I have a book full of notes from our phone calls. I'm reaching out to thank you, WON and NATE for putting this great program together! Will MENTORING be on your Vision Board? Complete a questionnaire today and make 2021 your best year! For additional information on the WON Mentorship Program, CLICK HERE.
WON Profile: Lisa Johnston
Lisa Johnston is the Vice President of Business Development for World Tower Co., Inc. She was introduced to the telecommunication industry on job sites. Lisa ran cranes for tower crews to complete tower erection sites in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana. She has over 20 years' experience in tower installation, fabrication, maintenance, and construction management. Lisa still has that get your "hands dirty" philosophy with World Tower's customers. Lisa actively participates in NATE by serving on the NATE Tower Family Foundation Golf Committee, Women of NATE (WON), and Climber Connection Video Committee. In addition, Lisa volunteers with several charity fundraising campaigns that raise donations for various
charity associations selected by the state hosting the event (Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas/Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Indiana). She is also the Kentucky City Representative for Women's Wireless Leadership Forum.
What is the one thing you can't live without? Chocolate If you were an animal, what would you be? Cougar What are you most passionate about personally? I am passionate about my love for our country, the United States of America. I am so grateful to the men and women that risk everything to protect our FREEDOM. When my son was young, he had difficulty pronouncing the American flag. His version of the American flag sounded more like the "miracle" flag. I am convinced he is correct. Our "miracle" flag is the best in the
world. What would you do even if you didn't get paid to do it? I would enjoy introducing women curious about nontraditional careers to the telecommunication industry. I believe our industry is ready to welcome women seeking opportunities requiring working hard to gain industry-specific knowledge and "hands-on" experience that leads them to lifelong careers. The best advice anyone has given you? Get your "hands dirty!" This is the best way to gain knowledge of your trade, which increases the confidence that earns respect from your peers. If you cannot complete a particular task for your job, determine how you can best learn that duty.
Which subject will you learn first in 2021; tower construction, tower modifications, maintenance, welding, electrical, civil, restoration services, integration, DAS, safety, and so much more. So, go get your "hands dirty." You got this! How has World Tower Co, Inc. helped you in your career development? A few years ago, World Tower welcomed me back to the only industry I call home, the telecommunication industry. World Tower supports my career development by encouraging personal growth and participation in a professional organization. Tell us something about you that might surprise us. I was one of the first females in the state of Kentucky to
earn a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) with airbrakes endorsement. I keep my DOT Medical Exam and license current because possessing a CDL has added so much value to my career and life. What would be your personal motto? Your true worth is decided by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.
What is your favorite part about working for World Tower Co, Inc? Our World Tower family has a unique culture that is like no other work-family. Each member brings the diversity of life lessons, knowledge, and just a twist of "let's get 'er done." I look forward to starting my workday because it rarely goes as planned. I appreciate that no matter what the obstacle, we will finish what we start. What are your hopes for our industry? My hope is for the telecommunication industry is that we "keep climbing." The most valuable commodity of any organization is the people. I know this because some of the best
lifelong friends I have are from friends associated with NATE. I hope we find more ways to develop our workforce and find opportunities to keep them and their valuable skill sets here. I remember the state of our industry when I became part of it as a young woman. It was not a destination career path because it was not considered worthy to those outside our industry. What skills do you bring to World Tower Co, Inc? I hope I bring a desire to explore uncharted territories and break the status quo. My get your "hands dirty" attitude has allowed me to work on crews, run-heavy equipment, weld, and more. It gave me a clear understanding of cell site operations and management. Since I enjoy my work, I am
enthusiastic about talking with our current customers and exploring potential customers' conversations. I have a desire to succeed that I bring with me. What is the best book you have ever read? The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann. A life-long friend and WON leader mailed me a copy of this book. This book confirms that once you remove the focus off yourself and start to contribute and add value to others' lives around you, the potential is unlimited. What celebrity do people think you look like? When Sarah Palin was nominated for Vice-President, strangers would stop me to tell me how much I favor Sarah Palin. Some members of our
World Tower family earn a nickname. Mine is Sarah Palin. What is your favorite movie?
Uncle Buck - It is a lighthearted American Comedy about a bachelor, John Candy that is an all-around slob. He tries so hard to be responsible but never seems to make it. As a kid, he looked like a cool uncle. Name three words that describe you. Energetic, adventurous, personable.
Where will you find the Women of NATE?
Take Women of NATE with you!
Are you traveling for work or taking a leisure vacation? Take a creative photo holding a Women of NATE (WON) logo in front of a landmark that lets us know where you are.
Women of NATE Committee member Marianna Kramarikova of IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) visiting the Atlantic coast. - #WON hashtag
2020 has pushed the challenges women face to the forefront and their well being to the back burner. Join Women of NATE (WON) for a Fireside Chat! Grab your coffee, hot chocolate, or glass of wine, snacks and comfortable clothes, and join us for an hour of laughter, stories, and support. This webinar will be hosted by Women of NATE and will feature WON members Andy Page Lee and Kathy Stieler as speakers. The Fireside Chat will enlighten you on: 1. How to do more for yourself – exercise, take time off, do things that make you smile and laugh.
2. How to connect – use your networks and support each other.
3. How to commit to putting yourself on your calendar in 2021.
4. You matter and you are worth it – share your story.
Women of NATE (WON) is proud to announce the establishment of the WON Education Scholarship. The scholarship was designed to encourage and inspire more women to enter the tower and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industries. Women play a prominent role as leaders and visionaries in the advancement of wireless and broadcast communications. Through the establishment of the WON initiative, the Association is proud to recognize the vital contributions of men and women in the diverse tower and communications infrastructure industry. Four separate scholarships valued up to $1,000 each may be awarded to four different applicants.
To stay apprised of recent event updates and to view the most comprehensive events listing visit the NATE WIN (Wireless Industry Network) website at www.natewin.org.
Clorinda Sadler of Wireless Supply with her horse Bourbon out for a leisurely walk on a beach in Palm Coast, Florida.
For Release:
December 17, 2020 NWSA Announces Official Launch of Spanish Language Telecommunication Tower Technician Assessments Spanish TTT-1 and TTT-2 Trade Certification Testing Available Starting December 23, 2020 (Fairfax, Virginia) - The National Wireless Safety Alliance (NWSA) announced that Spanish language translation of assessment tests for the Telecommunications Tower Technician 1 (TTT-1) and Telecommunications Tower Technician 2 (TTT-2) trade certifications will be available beginning on December 23, 2020. MasTec Network Solutions sponsored the effort with a generous contribution to cover the cost
of translating written tests and associated documents for the TTT-1 and TTT-2 programs. To accomplish the test translations, NWSA formed a Spanish Language Working Group that included bi-lingual subject matter experts who guided the effort to ensure conformance with NWSA’s recent program accreditation by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) National Accreditation Board (ANAB) under the ISO/IEC 17024 standard. Consistent with accreditation requirements, participants were involved in test translation activities, including oversight of forward and reverse test translation using an independent ISO-certified translator, psychometric validation, and development of a Spanish glossary of industry terminology. “The official launch of these Spanish worker certification
programs is a major milestone for the NWSA and reflects the industry’s commitment to providing professional trade credentials to an ever-evolving and diverse workforce,” said Executive Director Duane MacEntee. “The year is ending on a positive note with this exciting news. I would like to personally thank MasTec and the dedicated group of subject matter experts for their immense contributions of time and talent to make this happen with such enthusiasm,” MacEntee added. The NWSA recognizes and applauds the following subject matter experts who participated on the Spanish Technical Work Group: Jose Tarafa (Chairman, MasTec), Jim Coleman (AT&T), Luis Omar Rivera (B-Con Technologies), Jose L. Santos Ortiz (Crown Castle), Matthew Miranne (MasTec), and Salvador Latino (Neptuno USA, Corp). “The launch of the Spanish Certification program is something I am personally proud of,” stated Jose Tarafa from MasTec. “Being that MasTec is a minority-owned company, we knew that this would be a great asset not only for our employees but also for the many Spanish speakers in the industry. These certifications will help validate worker skill-sets and allow them to receive an industry-recognized credential, helping to improve the safety standards of the industry. I would like to thank the committee members for their time and valuable contributions to this endeavor,” Tarafa added. To begin the process of signing up for a Spanish version of the NWSA TTT-1 or TTT-2 certification assessment, visit HERE. Industry workers, companies and stakeholders are encouraged to visit the NWSA website at www.nws-a.org to learn more about the organization and its transformative trade certification offerings.
### About National Wireless Safety Alliance NWSA, headquartered in Fairfax, VA, is a national non-profit assessment and ANSI-accredited certification organization established to provide thorough, independent assessments of knowledge and skills and verifiable worker certification in order to enhance safety, reduce workplace risk, improve quality, encourage training, and recognize the skilled professionals who work on towers and other non-standard communication structures. Contact: Duane MacEntee
Mentoring for the Next Generation’s Success
This is Part 1 of our 10-part series on the 10 Key Qualities and Habits of a Highly Effective Mentor. Read our introduction to the series here. We thought we’d kick off this year with a list of the top qualities and habits that make the most effective mentors. Why is this important? Because being able to recognize the qualities that make your mentors top-notch will help you identify other individuals that could make excellent mentors, as well as help train others to become them. The first quality of kickass
mentors we’d like to highlight in our series is this: They care about the next generation’s success. But how can you tell if someone actually cares? Read on.
1. They can spot the potential in others Effective mentors have a positive view of others that greatly increases how much knowledge can be transferred from one person to another. They push their mentees to achieve their goals and stretch themselves; in large part because they genuinely believe their mentee has the potential to succeed. The ability to recognize, and then actively encourage the potential in others can truly be the difference between a mediocre and an exceptional mentor. 2. They are dedicated to the other’s success Those who understand that the mentoring relationship goes beyond them are much more willing to make a genuine
investment in the mentoring relationship. This, in turn, better sets up the partnership for success. Being dedicated to another’s success, instead of just encouraging it, means actively helping mentees hit milestones that bring them closer and closer to their goals, as well as providing feedback on what can be improved as the mentee reaches for the next, upcoming milestone. 3. They genuinely care about the organization they find themselves in Exceptional mentors want to see success blossom from everyone involved in the mentoring program across the entire organization. That’s because they know this can help benefit not only the organization, but also the participants individually and the mentoring program as a whole. By investing themselves in the
organization’s mission and becoming an active participant in the company’s mentoring program, effective mentors let it be known that they are willing to help not only their individual mentoring partner, but the program as a whole be a success. Which brings us to our last and final point… 4. They take a personal interest in their mentoring relationships Good mentors do not take their responsibility lightly; on the contrary, they feel personally invested in the success of their mentees. This type of investment usually requires someone who is knowledgeable, compassionate, and has the additional attributes of a good teacher or trainer. Excellent communication skills are also required and should not be downplayed, as communication is at the heart of any relationship. A Reflection of Oneself Ultimately, a good mentor is committed to helping their mentees find success and gratification in their chosen profession, as the mentor them self has found. That’s because, at the end of the day, how you mentor someone else is a direct reflection of the mentor and the mentor’s values. If the mentor in question has found purpose and fulfilment in their chosen profession, it’s likely they’ll want to help their mentee find those things as well. Overall, good mentoring requires
dedication to empowering mentees to develop their own strengths, beliefs, and personal attributes. Although the mentee’s path may not look identical to their mentor’s, the tools that get them to where they want to be will be shared by someone invested in their success. Are you ready to start building a culture of mentoring at your own organization? _______________________________________________________________________________________ Article Appeared: Last appeared on Mentorloop website. https://mentorloop.com/blog/next-generation-success/