No images? Click here ![]() BIWEEKLY DIGEST ![]() Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) is Re-Branding PFC is pleased to announce the launch of our new logo and brand as part of our ongoing organizational evolution. In late 2020, the Board of Directors approved a new Purpose Statement for Philanthropic Foundations Canada, as a national network that strengthens Canadian philanthropy – in all of its diversity and in its pursuit of a just, equitable, and sustainable world. To complement this important organizational evolution, PFC wanted to ensure a holistic look and feel across all collateral, and reflect our inclusive vision, mission, and leadership at PFC, our work to mobilize our membership, and our dedication to generate impact in Canadian communities and beyond. ![]() OP-ED: Communities in need shouldn't be treated as sub-contractors to access financial support Jean-Marc Mangin, President & CEO of Philanthropic Foundations of Canada In recent years, philanthropic foundations and other charities have been increasingly relied upon as a vital part of our nation’s social fabric. There are over 85,000 registered charities nation-wide contributing billions of dollars to our GDP each year. Charities provide program funding and assistance in multiple areas including education, homelessness, health, education, and the environment. COVID-19 has exacerbated the challenges for vulnerable populations across the country. At the same time, the pandemic has surfaced unique opportunities for grantmakers to support grassroots and community groups that are often at the forefront of a crisis and have the lived experience and best expertise to address it. If this sector is to succeed in filling in the gaps in our national social fabric, Ottawa needs to do more to unlock its potential, notably by modernizing the Income Tax Act. ![]() We're looking for a new Membership Coordinator to join our team! Is it you? DEADLINE TO APPLY: April 30, 2022 at 5:00pm ET Do you want to help advance the nonprofit and charitable sector’s work toward a just, equitable and sustainable world? Are you a thoughtful relationship manager, with a passion for connecting change makers, fundraising, and fostering organizational growth? Do you love leading and disseminating research and analysis about philanthropy? If so, help us as we support and develop Canada’s network of philanthropic foundations and funders. PFC is an ideal match if you are looking for purpose in your work and want to contribute to a small, values-driven, pan-Canadian team with a culture of collaboration. Dear PFC Members, let us know if your organization's contact information is up to date We are updating our database! PFC will soon start updating our database and would like to ensure that member organizations' contact information is up to date so you don’t miss out on the many member benefits PFC has to offer. In the coming weeks, please make sure to check your emails for more information as we officially launch this process. If you have any questions about this initiative, please contact us - Webinar in partnership with Public Policy Forum – Perspectives on the Disbursement Quota: How much should charities be mandated to allocate? Wednesday, April 13, 12:15 -1:00 pm ET PFC has partnered with PPF as part of their Member Event Series, to host a discussion on increasing the disbursement quota from its current rate of 3.5%. The disbursement quota is the minimum percentage of assets charities are required to grant out or spend on charitable programs each year. While it applies to all charities, the policy is a predominant concern for foundations, whose typical operating models endow charitable assets, with a portion of the earnings granted out each year. Please join us for a discussion with Jean-Marc Mangin, CEO, Philanthropic Foundations Canada and Yonis Hassan, Chief Executive Officer, Justice Fund Toronto, moderated by Jehad Aliweiwi, Executive Director, Laidlaw Foundation. A third speaker will be announced shortly! You are invited to submit questions and comments ahead of time to Chelsea Berry. ![]() Save the Date! 2022 PFC Conference When: Registration will be available in June. More details coming soon! ![]() PGSAG Monthly Rendez-vous April 29, 1:00- 2:00pm ET - Best Exit Strategies Are you program or grant-making staff for a PFC member? Join us for our member-led group get-togethers, where participants learn and discuss different topics relevant to our work as program and grantmaking staff. In April, we are planning a session on best exit strategies: ending funding, continuing partnership. ![]() Watch our webinar in partnership with Imagine Canada on the Effective and Accountable Charities Act: Bill S-216 and why funding groups without charitable status matters Now on YouTube! Bill S-216 aims to enable charities to establish more equal partnerships with non-charities (or non-qualified donees) while still ensuring accountability and transparency. On March 23, Philanthropic Foundations Canada and Imagine Canada hosted a webinar to learn more about the bill, the issues it seeks to address, and what it might mean for our work in the nonprofit sector. Speakers included:
If you missed this webinar, you can now watch it on YouTube! ![]() New PFC Member The Srinarayanathas Foundation We are pleased to welcome the Srinarayanathas Foundation as a new member of the PFC community. The Srinarayanathas Foundation draws from lived experiences of immigration and socio-economic challenges in order to holistically address the needs of those who feel invisible, unheard and marginalized, in Canada and abroad. Their mission focuses on key priorities that include civic engagement, healthcare, education, and the creative arts. Graham Boeckh Foundation's decade-long work in youth mental health. Changing the landscape of youth mental health in Canada Traditionally, mental health care systems for youth have been highly fragmented with long wait times and large gaps in services. A decade ago, Canadian society was becoming increasingly aware of these problems but had not yet acted in an organized way — then PFC member GBF and the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) decided to collaborate on catalyzing change. Together, they put out a call for proposals to support networks to transform youth mental health care in Canada. This initiative resulted in the funding of the ACCESS Open Minds network and helping to spawn a pan-Canadian movement now known as Integrated Youth Services (IYS). Forum on Diversity and Inclusion April 21 - 22, 2022 Registration is open for the Forum on Diversity and Inclusion, happening April 21 and 22, 2022 at the Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal! The Peace Network for Social Harmony is organizing the event for all those who are concerned by issues related to Diversity and Inclusion and who are actively involved with these matters in their work. This is an opportunity to meet and collaborate with others and identify concrete solutions that will lead to the development of a collective action plan. Sector Webinar Alert: Pembina Institute April 14, 2:00-3:00pm ET Join the Pembina Institute in their upcoming webinar to learn more about the role philanthropy can play in the fight against climate change. "Funders are stepping up their philanthropic commitments to address climate change, but what will it take for philanthropy to play a bigger role in the transition to net zero? To help funders refine their approach, McKinsey & Company will share recent research on effective practices and opportunities for philanthropists to consider as they engage with key stakeholders to enable climate solutions." ![]() ICD-RBC Foundation Scholarship Are you a Board Director or Executive Director? If you are a board director or executive director of a registered charity whose purpose is to improve outcomes for the community organizations you serve? Then the Institute of Corporate Directors invites you to apply for the ICD-RBC Foundation Scholarship. The goal of this scholarship is to enable underrepresented organizations to elevate their governance oversight through the ICD-Rotman NFP Governance Essentials program. |