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Lutheran Media eNews

Christmas blessings to you from the team at Lutheran Media

The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. (Luke 2:20)

What’s Christmas like for you?
Watch a Round the Table conversation on the messiness of Christmas at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vhWnrFIskw. Is it possible to still enjoy the peace, joy and hope of Christmas, even in the mess?

Christmas TV
Watch a little shepherd boy’s journey on the first Christmas. The Little Shepherd will be shown on some Channel 9 TV stations on Christmas day at 6am. Please check your local guides.

Happyland Advent Calendar Online

The popular online Happyland Advent Calendar is available again this year and will continue to be available through the school holidays. Click on a new star each day to reveal a video, recipe, or activity for the family to enjoy. Go to www.happyland.com.au/advent to join in the fun.

2016 Scripture Calendar

The popular calendar is available to order for yourself or to give as a gift.

Your calendar helped convert my atheist sister. Can you please send me a calendar and one for my sister too? (Caller, Victoria)

The free wall calendar is ideal for your home, office, and shed. The calendar has;

  • inspirational pictures and bible verses along with daily bible references
  • large open date boxes for you to write in
  • public holidays, moon cycles, and school terms

Order your 2016 Scripture Calendar here www.lutheranmedia.org.au/2016-scripture-calendar.html or by following the links from www.lutheranmedia.org.au or phone FREECALL 1800 353 350.

If you would like to donate

If you would like to donate (tax deductibility available) to Lutheran Media, please click the "Donate" button below.

Thank you for your support and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Inside the latest edition of Lutheran Media News

Download the Lutheran Media News for your bulletins and newsletters by clicking the "Download News Here" button below.
The latest edition includes:

  • Face to Face JANUARY program summary
  • Short information bites to copy and paste into your newsletters and bulletins.
  • Social media accounts and pages.

Prayer Requests

Join with us by praying for:

  • Peace, hope and joy of Jesus’ birth for everyone.
  • People in need of hope – especially amongst the business of Christmas and the absence of family and friends.
  • Grace, mercy and peace for people affected by the recent bushfires and storms.
  • The opportunity to share Jesus’ message of hope to people in New Zealand.

Please reply if you would like to discuss anything that has been mentioned in this email, or if you have an idea about how to reach out to people through media, or if you would like us to pray for someone.

Keep up to date

To continue receiving the latest monthly eNews about the outreach initiatives from Lutheran Media, click on the "Subscribe Here" button below.

Thank You!

Thanks to your support, people are hearing the good news of Jesus Christ and his message of hope. Please pray for us and the people we are meeting through media.

Thank you, your support is making a difference in people's lives.

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