A Centenniel Formula For SuccessSince we’re a generation huge on sound-bite success formulas, here’s one more—a short, punchy guarantee for success. Its genius is its simplicity—you can memorize it in twenty seconds.
A hundred years ago this year a short 5’3” woman breathed her last. But when she died, she left a legacy so stunning they’re still unpacking it! With her education cut short by a debilitating accident while in elementary school, the girl grew up and at the age of 17 received a dramatic divine calling to devote the rest of her life to speaking, writing, organizing, leading, visioning, mentoring, preaching, and evangelizing across this nation—and eventually with more speaking, writing, organizing, leading, visioning, mentoring, preaching and evangelizing globally. As it turns out, this seventeen-year-old who said Yes to God’s call ended up investing the rest of her life, 70 years in a tireless mission and ministry for her Savior. . . .read more by Dwight Nelson, Lead Pastor