The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church
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Student Missions Spotlight

Of my 22 years of existence, the year I spent in Pohnpei, Micronesia as a student missionary between 2011 and 2012 led to some of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences of my life so far. Pastor Dwight Nelson conducted a sermon series, "Radicals", that placed a emphasis on service, specifically student missions. I felt a calling on my life to go out and serve and was inspired to answer the call. After finishing a strong freshmen year, I was nervous about taking a year off so quickly, but I knew that the plans God had for me far succeeded the expectations I had for myself.

The exponential growth I experienced mentally and spiritually throughout the year was a direct result of dealing with a laid back island culture, interacting with parents, teaching students around my age group and general interaction with the other missionaries. I learned what true faith and dependence on God is all about; from asking God to lead me to lessons for the week, teaching myself C++ to building up the courage to face my fear of heights and jumping off a 60 ft waterfall! There were moments throughout the year where I felt lost and defeated but I can look back now and see God's hands guiding me through each trial.

There isn't a day that passes where I don't think back on my experience in Pohnpei! I wholeheartedly encourage anyone who is thinking about taking a year off for service not to sit on that calling, but to pray and act! Most people's excuse for not going is fear of being held back academically, but I can attest that the things you learn in that year about life and yourself cannot be obtained from a textbook or taught in a classroom.

by Cointe St. Brice, Andrews University Graduate  


Write For PMC!

Are you a writer? Do you have a passion for Jesus and would you like to share that passion with your church family? Every week in Pioneer Connect, PMC's bulletin, we feature articles written on a variety of topics by our very own church members. 

Pioneer Connect is always looking for more vibrant writers to write on a variety of topics including health and fitness, testimonies, devotions, and many more! The best part about this opportunity is that you don't have to be a professional writer. All you need is a desire to share with others the knowledge that you have. Write out what you can and let the editor do the rest!

If you or someone you know would like to get involved with writing for the bulletin contact Rebecca Coleman at for more information!

by Rebecca Coleman, Pioneer Midweek Editor


A Centenniel Formula For Success

Since we’re a generation huge on sound-bite success formulas, here’s one more—a short, punchy guarantee for success. Its genius is its simplicity—you can memorize it in twenty seconds.
A hundred years ago this year a short 5’3” woman breathed her last. But when she died, she left a legacy so stunning they’re still unpacking it! With her education cut short by a debilitating accident while in elementary school, the girl grew up and at the age of 17 received a dramatic divine calling to devote the rest of her life to speaking, writing, organizing, leading, visioning, mentoring, preaching, and evangelizing across this nation—and eventually with more speaking, writing, organizing, leading, visioning, mentoring,  preaching and evangelizing globally. As it turns out, this seventeen-year-old who said Yes to God’s call ended up investing the rest of her life, 70 years in a tireless mission and ministry for her Savior.   . . .read more

by Dwight Nelson, Lead Pastor


Wednesday 5K Walk


University Health & Wellness presents the weekly Wednesday 5K Walk meeting at 5 p.m. at the Andrews statue in front of PMC starting on Oct. 14th. This is a free event and everyone can participate!

visit for more information or email:

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