The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church No Images? Click here ![]() VOLUME 3 ISSUE 34 ![]()
Live Longer with a BFF"Parents often think teenagers are overly obsessed with their best friends. They should let them be" ( That’s the conclusion from new research published in the journal Child Development. Turns out having a best friend when you’re young impacts your life beyond your teenage years. ![]()
Calling All Cooks - New Student PicnicHelp us welcome our new students with a picnic on the lawn immediately following second service on August 26 (this Sabbath). 75 volunteers are needed to provide lunch for yourself and a table of 8 students, as well as fellowship with our new friends. Your menu can consist of lasagna, tossed salad, and garlic bread. PMC will provide cookies and drinks. Be a host at or call 269.471.3543. You will be contacted with additional details as they are available. August 26, After 2nd Service ![]()
Lead a GROW Group This FallIt's time to gear up for a new GROW Group season this fall (September 24 - December 11)! Have a topic or activity that you are passionate about? Willing to invite others to join you? For more information and to register your group today, visit ![]()
PMC Sanctuary ChoirWe are beginning a new season of music making with the PMC Sanctuary Choir and would love for you to join us at our weekly rehearsals. If you've sung with us before and are unable to return this fall, please leave any borrowed folders or music at the PMC Reception Desk. If you are returning, please bring them to our next rehearsal. We hope to see you there! Wednesdays, 7:00 - 8:30 PM |