The Reaccreditation Process
The reaccreditation process will happen over 3 years, you will need to:
Attend a seminar at your level every 2 years
Attend a workshop in the alternate year
Keep a record of all the judging you do
Look at the points table to see where you can earn points and keep a note of these points on the attached table
Keep any paper works pertaining to the points in your file
Keep your seminar certificates- scan them into your file if possible
Keep a file and an online file of all judging commitments, Venue, date and test
I have attached a file that can be filled in online every time you do something so the process at the end of the 3 years should be relatively simple.
Keep a copy of the results- these can be scanned into the computer for future use
The Open Rule book test will be posted online in March 2018. It can be done online or as a hard copy
EA forms to be completed will be emailed to everyone
Fill in all relevant details, keep a copy and send to the address indicated on the form (National office)
For more information please follow the link.
DJEP H Level Seminar Report
On Sunday 26th April, the DJEP held an H level seminar at Juravon Equestrian Centre, Melton.
17 judges attended, some just beginning their journey to becoming a judge, others well on the way to upgrading to F and a few already accredited higher level judges. The morning was taken up with theory and at lunch time Stephen Clarke’s video “Through the eyes of a Judge” played in the background. After lunch it was downstairs to the indoor to watch four horses demonstrate paces and movements from Preliminary and Novice tests. After the demonstrations it was time to get into some actual judging and we judged 2 Prelim and 2 Novice tests. There was discussion of the marks given and the remarks made.
Felicity Yuncken was the main judge educator, ably assisted by Sue Chandler, both of whom provided valuable theory and practical information in a manner accessible to all. During the theory session there was lively discussion as participants, educators and representatives of the DJEP shared anecdotes and information in an open and friendly manner. Lee Howells provided valuable technical assistance and Jennifer Holmes was on hand to answer individual queries and make sure that everyone was linked in with a mentor. Belinda Dawkins organised the team of riders and horses.
We are most grateful to our team of riders and thank them for bringing their horses along for us: Tanya, Sarah and Heide, without you our seminar could not have gone ahead so successfully.
Finally thank you to Renee Pedretti and the staff at Juravon for making the venue available to us. Thank you too to all participants who gave up their day and took part so willingly in all of the activities. We wish you well in all your judging endeavours. Feel free to contact any member of the DJEP we are always happy to help with queries.
Judy Quinn
Judging by This
The toughest job in Dressage is becoming a little tenderer.
Last weekend DJEP, the hard working group who look after judging in Victoria, conducted an inspiring seminar for E & F level judges at JurAvon Park.
DJEP flew Wendy Barker over from WA to encourage these early career judges to think positively about the task before them. Wendy’s stated aim from the outset was to pass on the inspiration she gets from judges like Stephen Clark. She identified positive language as a key element in creating a fair and encouraging approach to judging Dressage. Helping the riders improve is the point of the whole exercise.
Wendy brings a wealth of professional teaching experience to the task and the judges certainly appreciated her efforts to make the presentation light and purposeful. Well done DJEP.