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23 April, 2014

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If you're the nervous type, don't visit the 2015 General Convention of Synod webpage, as that ticking clock might make you jumpy. Yes, it's only 524 days away -- and planning is well underway. We have a venue now: Redeemer Lutheran College, Rochedale, on the southern outskirts of Brisbane.

The webpage will be updated regularly, so keep an eye on it. It already contains the 'Plan to Prepare for the Discussion on the Ordination of Women', which we encourage you and all your members to read.

Thinking of being a lay delegate? Being a delegate at a Convention is a significant task, and one that requires preparation. You must be a voting member of an LCA congregation and over 18 years of age. Each parish has a quota of delegates based on membership numbers, and you should speak to the chairperson of your parish.

NOTE: Parishes and other bodies in the church are being asked to elect or appoint their delegates before the end of January 2015. We are planning for training materials and sessions that will help delegates prepare for their contribution at Convention.

  • Does the Old Testament leave a disturbing legacy? (with Dr Peter Lockwood)
  • Baptised to live: living your faith in your daily life (with Dr Andrew Pfeiffer)
  • Frodo's God: the theology of J R R Tolkien (with Dr Mark Worthing)

Click on the picture for more information, including registration.

Meet mild-mannered Alfred Yau, installed on 15 March as a church planter in Sydney. What’s his connection with martial-arts master and  action-film superstar Bruce Lee? Find out in the May edition of The Lutheran. Subscribe today, so you don’t miss this exciting story of God bringing Alfred to faith in Jesus Christ.

Visit the LCA Mission International website and listen to some exciting stories of God at work in Cambodia.


We'd love to know what you think of LCA eNews -- what you like, what you don't like -- so we can work out how to bring you the stories of your church in the format that suits you. Please send your comments to Linda Macqueen, LCA Communications.

Melbourne—16-17 May

For many congregations and families, sharing the Christian faith with children and youth is an area of struggle and challenge. Culture and society has changed so much, raising many new questions, issues and pressures.

We invite you to join us in re-thinking child, youth and family ministry for a new time and a new age.
• What does it mean to form faith in children and youth?
• What seems to work best and why?
• How can we partner with, support and equip Christian families today?
• How can we bring the Good News of Jesus to churched, dechurched and unchurched children, youth and families?

Grow Ministries invites you to join the conversation. It’s about hope, new life and the future we have together in Christ.

Be quick! RSVP to jodi.brook@lca.org.au by 1 May 2014.

Brisbane—15-16 May

This two-day training opportunity builds on what we learned together at the National Conference last year and will help you to learn more about the Faith Inkubators system of ministry and how each of the resources helps you to engage the church, parents and young people in ministry together.

Click on the picture for more information and registration form.

Registrations closing!! Contact jo.jones@lca.org.au

Chronic – Episode 3 of 5
'I want to be healed; why aren't I?' Go to facetoface.org.au or youtube.com/luthmedia to see a short clip about making sense of why sometimes people aren't healed as we want. There are resources for you too, such as the free booklet Chronic Pain. Contact Lutheran Media on 1800 353 350 or luthmedia@lca.org.au for your copy.