The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church No images? Click here ![]() VOLUME 5 ISSUE 50 ![]()
Christmas Breakfast in ChurchDecember 21, 2019— 9:00-10:15 AM The season is upon us. Come celebrate and bring your favorite breakfast items. Pioneer will provide hot drinks, cold drinks, and nuts. A – G – breads, muffins or pastries ![]()
Soup for Students—a Huge Thank You!Thank you to all who brought food or volunteered for Soup for Students last night. Because of your faithfulness, we were able to serve 197 students. We had over 30 pots of home-made soup, pizza, salad, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and cookies. It was a tremendous blessing to see students arriving even before 6:00 PM. We then prayed, opened the lines, and they were off. One student commented on how this event is always an “oasis” for her and her friends in the midst of finals week. We had about 15 volunteers who were busy assembling the pizzas, swapping out empty pots of soup, and refilling water at the tables. Toward the end of the event, we were realizing we’d have some soup leftover, so I texted Donnie Keele, the assistant dean at Meier Hall. He said, “If you bring any soup over here, it will all be gone by 10:15 PM.” So we did just that. We packed the leftovers into to-go cups and brought soup to the girls' and the boys' dorm. What an honor it is to partner together to show demonstrate God’s love towards students on our campus. Read more ![]()
Feast of LightsBe inspired by a program of music, Scripture readings, and drama honoring the King of Kings. Feast of Lights is an evening of bells, instrumental music, choral and congregational singing, lights, and a Nativity scene joyfully retelling the Christmas story. Friday, December 13, 7:00 PM ![]()
Angel TreeBrighten the Christmas season and bring smiles to struggling families, please stop by the Christmas Angel Tree located at the Welcome Center downstairs and at the Narthex. Choose an angel from the tree, you can either give a donation (money, gift card, food, toys, etc) or buy a gift for them. Bring your gift with the angel attached to it to PMC on or before Dec. 23 (Monday). ![]()
Pioneer Toy DriveJoin us in collecting toys for families that need some extra kindness during this holiday season. Bring a new, unwrapped toy to the church on December 14 to be collected during our Children's Celebration of Christmas. ![]()
GROW Group SurveyGROW Groups are winding down for the Fall, but we’ll be starting up again in the Spring semester and we need your help! We want to know what kinds of groups you’d like to have available here at PMC so that we can do our best to meet the needs of our community. Have an idea (or two or three?) Text IDEA to 269-281-2345 and fill out the form. It's a quick and easy way to let us know what you're looking for in a small group! Don't like texting? You can take the survey online. Thank you for your suggestions! |