Serving In LoveGoing on the Honduras Mission Trip with Andrews University this past December was by far one of the best experiences I've ever had. A group of about 20 of us spent our time at El Hogar De Niños, a children's home in Santa Barbara, Honduras. The home is a shelter for those who have suffered from extreme poverty, and are homeless, malnourished, or abused. During the week we held the "Campamento de Amistad" - Friendship Camp - for the Hogar kids as well as the local community children. Each day they played games, learned about the Bible, sang
songs, built crafts, and discovered vital information about hygiene and taking care of their bodies both inside and out. Our team was also blessed with the opportunity to distribute a month's worth of food to over 50 families in desperate need. I am so thankful for the amazing opportunity I had to give of myself for those 10 days. To have my eyes opened. To love and to serve. To grow in my relationship with Christ. I experienced just a taste of the heartbreak our Heavenly Father feels everyday as He watches His children suffer. I pray that I will never become too comfortable, too selfish, and too insensitive to refuse to respond to the needs of those crying out all around me. I pray that instead I love, care and serve just as Jesus did in His time
here. by Gabriella Pasos, Andrews University Physical Therapy Student