Special STORM Report: Can you spare five minutes? No images? Click here Special S.T.O.R.M. Report “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Can You Spare Five Minutes? Have you been involved with refugee ministry? Maybe you, someone you know or your church has already identified a need and are ministering to refugees by way of a clothing closet or ESL classes. Or, maybe you hadn't thought about it at all until now. No matter your level of experience, we need to hear from you! Don't worry, five minutes is the most it will take you to complete the survey. Why you? The Refugee Ministry Subcommitee (RMS) seeks to learn from you--our OP Church family. The survey results will aid the subcommittee in creating a way for your church to have access to biblically-based resources in order to help in your neighborhood. The OPC Committee on Diaconal Ministries recently formed the Refugee Ministry Subcommittee (RMS) in order to aid the local church in welcoming the stranger from the refugee community. You can read more on our website: OPCCDM.org. These four small paragraphs may have taken longer to read than the survey will take you to finish. Thank you for your participation! David P. Nakhla Trish Duggan Sarah Klazinga |