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Happy Holidays from Hobblebush Books! "Books are a gift you can open over and over again." We like that saying! We also value a quote from Emerson about gift-giving that you will find introducing our Hobblebush Holiday Gift Guide below.
In this issue we celebrate the beauty of winter, along with the art of giving well-chosen gifts.
Our 2014 Winter/Spring Electronic Catalog is now online and includes limited time discounts!
In the sixth volume of the Hobblebush Granite State Poetry Series, former New Hampshire Poet Laureate Patricia Fargnoli weaves together themes of solitude, silence and rebirth in vivid images of winter and the outdoors. Every new variation on the winter theme shows that season in a new light, and the reader is ultimately uplifted by Fargnoli's vision.
Our interview with Pat explores the origins of this book, her passion for foxes, her writing and revising techniques and more.
December Special: This month you can purchase Winter for $15 (regular $18.95).
An Interview with former New Hampshire Poet Laureate Patricia Fargnoli
Hobblebush Holiday Gift Guide
As Emerson says in his essay on giving: "Next to things of necessity, the rule for a gift, which one of my friends prescribed, is, that we might convey to some person that which properly belonged to his character, and was easily associated with him in thought." With that in mind, here is our 2013 holiday gift guide.
(Use discount code HOLLY to save 30% on your order!)
For the Relentless Adventurer and Lover of Weather
Life at the Top Learn about the perils of living on the top of Mount Washington from an observatory staff member!
Rime of the Ancient Underwriter Ever want to just drop everything and sail around the world? The author did—and you won't believe the stories he has to tell!
For the Ben Franklin Fanatic and Moral Philosopher
Poor Richard's Lament What if Ben Franklin came back? What if everything depended on it? Walter Isaacson calls Poor Richard's Lament "a re-imagining of Benjamin Franklin you will not soon forget..."
For the Relentlessly Dedicated Teacher
Creating the Peaceable Classroom Techniques to calm, center, focus, uplift, and energize students, teachers, and parents, including yoga, music, movement, breathing, centering, meditation, even feng shui.
Strange Terrain An essential resource for anyone who wants to feel more comfortable with reading poetry.
Sound Ideas This profound guide to poetry employs the art of hearing and speaking to find your way to the heart of a poem by taking it off the page.
For the Journalism Student or Word Worshipper
For the Office Dweller
Totally Useless Office Skills Credit Card Buzzing, Death Defying Letter Opener Swallowing, Hole in your Boss's Head, The Endless Fax, The Invisible Elevator, and over 65 other ways to goof off in the office place.
For the Civil War Buff
The Battlefield Guide A time-travelers guide, in poetry, to the battlefields that shaped the American conscience.
For the Poetry Reader
For the Student of Music or American History
Jefferson's Dream Portraits, commentary, musical scores, lyrics, and a CD of original ballads about eight great Americans who lived and advanced the Declaration of Independence.
For Anyone
Small Town Tales Vivid sketches of small-town America in another era and of the author's eccentric and marvelous family.
Holly's Birthday
It's Holly's birthday in December. Her first experience of the outdoors was in snow and she still loves it! Here she is chilling out as a puppy.
Our 2014 Winter/Spring Electronic Catalog is now online!
Click here to start flipping through it (and save 30% on your order)!