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Hobblebush Books

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Several Hobblebush books deal with the concept of "Place," but we are really excited about the way our latest book talks about it. Read on to learn about Seeking Parmenter—and a unique participatory book launch. 


Seeking Parmenter: A Memoir of Place

An older man, fit enough to tramp over the family farm he knew as a boy, returns to probe what remains of the place where he worked and played, and to study the changes that are occurring on the land since it began its return to wildness sixty years ago. Artifacts and memories merge in this reflective, lyrical history of a landscape in south-central New Hampshire.

The author leads a literary field trip through the diverse habitats
emerging on the centuries-old farm—sprinkling insights from American
prose and poetry—and leads the reader to the conclusion that there is much to gain from an appreciation of wildness.


Books: Good Design, Bad Design.
What's the Difference?

by Sid Hall

There are many beautiful books being published today, by publishers big and small. And there are many that are embarrassing to look at if you know much about books.

If you are are a reader, you don’t usually need to know what it is that separates the wheat from the chaff. A well-designed book does not normally call attention to itself.  It just makes you excited about the subject and makes the reading experience pleasurable. A badly designed book may look good to many people, but it is constantly throwing obstacles in your path and  dragging you down. . . .


Upcoming Events with Hobblebush Authors

Hobblebush Books at the Bookstock Literary Festival!

Saturday, July 25, 9 AM–5 PM
The Green
River Street
Woodstock, VT 05091

Hobblebush Books will have a table at Bookstock 2015! Visit us to meet some of our authors, browse through our books, and learn more about our company. For more information about the Bookstock Literary Festival, please visit


Find more author events in your area by checking our online calendar (updated daily!)


Book Launch for Seeking Parmenter

Sunday, July 26, 3 PM
First Presbyterian Church
73 Main Street
Antrim, NH 03440

A book launch for Seeking Parmenter: A Memoir of Place by Charles Butterfield will be held at the Presbyterian Church on Main Street in Antrim. Charles will read from his book and show photographs and illustrations of places described in the book. After the reading, he will sign copies and answer questions. This event is free and open to the public.

An optional field trip to places described in the book will meet at and leave from Butterfield Farm (located two miles from the church on Rte. 31) at 1 PM and will last approximately an hour and a half. Dress for hiking. 


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Holly loves to stick her head through the door where she can be the first one to greet office visitors.